Chapter 13 - Intriguing Ghostlishts

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- Are you ready? - Tobi's voice is as soft and mild as always.-
No. Definetely not. And you? - Aethernia responds with the same cold, calm tone as always.
„We don't even change here”, she thinks, „But it's the best thing. It could be like that forever. I like an idea of such life.”
- Me too. Unprepared, unready and I totally don't know where to begin. But here we go. Let's go there and let it happen.
Aethernia nods. Deep inside she knows that it won't help at all.
„And what if it's only a bad intention of him? What if he wants to close me with them in my room without possibility to escape and run away?”
She smiles to herself as if it was the best thought she had since she remembers.
„Then it's good. Then my last days would be the best I could have.”
- Yeah. Let's go – she repeats after him and climbs up the old ladder. She feels no fear at all while opening the trapdoor.
They come in and sit down on a wooden floor. They leave the trapdoor opened in case they have to escape quickly. Fortunately, it can close itself, as Aethernia installed the special system in there. She knows that her ghostlights can permeate through human body, but they can't permeate through the wood and glass. As yet.
„Thanks to it Tobi is alive now. Oh God, let him be alive forever...”
- Are they here? - he asks, acting like a brave person but Aethernia is aware how much he fears. So does she.
- Yes. They just hide in crevices between the boards. They always await for the most appropriate moment – she answers, observing the air around her.
As she expected, ghostlights appear suddenly, without warning. They are shining a bit more intensively than usually. „They become stronger”, she thinks. „Before devouring my father's soul they were almost transparent.”
- Hello, dudes – she greets them shortly – I came to talk.
„We don'tttt wantttt tttto ttttalk”, they whisper louder than always. Some of them approach closer and Aethernia doesn't like it.
- So what do you want? - she asks and feels Tobi's sweaty hand clenching on hers. As she turns her head she notices that the ghostlights hem them in, approaching closer and closer.
„We wanttt tttto eattt. Feeddd usss.”
- I don't have anything for you to eat. I'm sorry – she answers as they are coming nearer.
„Yesss, you ddddo. His sssoul isss very tassssty.”
- What do they say? - Tobi asks, trying to keep calm. Aethernia bites her tongue to tame the strong, sudden fear.
- That they want to devour your soul. But they won't get it. I came to say you something, dudes. Stay out of Tobias Sammet and don't even try to hurt him, otherwise...
- Aethie... - Tobi whispers helplessly. Aethernia can see him touching his chest and then she observes the spook coming out from his body, shining with a bright light.
- Stop, you fucking bastards! - she shouts desperately – I told you something!
But they keep permeating Tobi's body. She can see the fading sparks in his eyes and then, suddenly, she feels a wave of void in her soul. The ghostlight leaves her chest, whispering:
„We dont want to tttalk, butttt to eattt...”The last thing she remembers is pulling Tobi through the trapdoor and jumping.
She wakes up on the floor, lying by his side. They are both trembling from cold and fear, embracing each other instinctively.
- You were right – she hears his weak voice – You can't curb them. And they are more dangerous than I thought.
- I want to reign over them. But I am still afraid of everything. Tobi... we aren't safe anymore.
They gasp, trying to tame the void and terror. This time Aethernia is the one who can't stand the silence.
- You know what? - she says – We both deserve a prize. It was a good try.
She kisses him hard on a wooden floor.

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