Chapter 7 - There's No Way Out

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- Tobi – he raises his eyebrows when he hears her voice. As he remembers, it is the first time she calls his name in his presence – Do you want to come with me to my room? I will be creating some new music, maybe you would like to help?
Tobi is absolutely shocked, so firstly he doesn't say anything. It's sunny outside and he can't help himself thinking that the darkness disappeared when the night has gone away.
- Of course! - he answers heartily after a few seconds and in a while they sit together on the sofa again, Aethernia is holding a tiny ukulele and strumming something casually.
- Do you know some irish music? Maybe irish punk or irish rock for example? - she asks suddenly. She always speaks to him while holding her head turned away from him, pretending she's very focused on something. He used to this cute drawback.
- Let me think... No, I think I don't know this kind of music. - he replies, smiling at her.
- Flogging Molly? Dropkick Murphys? The Pogues? The Dubliners? Nothing from these?
Tobi denies and Aethernia finally looks in his face. She seems to be kinda astonished and sympathetic in this moment.
- You poor, little child. Hold it. - she gives him an ukulele and Tobi laughs firskily.
- But I cannot play it!
- So you will learn.  It's easy.
She takes his hand to show him the first chord. Her palms are warm and rather smooth with some augmentatives inside of them. Tobi likes her touch, it turns him on a little bit.
- This is D . And this... is G – she explains patiently – Then A... And b-moll. Just follow me while playing, okay? I'll be tryig to do it slowly.
She takes a banjo in her hand and Tobi feels even more fascinated than ever. Full of childish excitement mixed with a dark desire he starts to play with her.


Tobi learned the song very fast. Aethernia usually closes her eyes while singing, but this time she looks at him. She likes his way of behaving, his friendly smile, but mostly she likes the fact he doesn't ask anything and lets her feel secure in his company. It gives her a sense of freedom. When they finally finish a song, she feels like she never did before
– totally relaxed and even...
-  Is this song called simply „Dirty Old Town”? - Tobi asks with a cute curiousity.
- Yeah – she answers calmly – Do you like it?
Tobi nods.
- Let's play more irish music! But first... Aethie, it reminded me about my town and my people. My holidays are slowly coming to an end and soon I will have to return. Can I use your computer just to let them know that I am all right?
Inner panic attack hits Aethernia suddenly. „No, calm down.”, she thinks „You know it's impossible. You should tell him.”
- This computer has a special system inbuilt. It reacts only for my face and my fingers. I'm sorry.
- Uhm... All right. - Tobi responds warily – So please, let the world know I am okay. In my name. Can you do it for me?
Aethernia clenches her teeth to abstain the deadly fear. „No, I was so afraid of this moment”, she thinks, turning her head away from him again.
- You appeared here and you have to remain here. I'm sorry. The world can't know about me and you would tell the world everything in the end.
- They will look for me! - Tobi shouts visibly frightened – They will find me here and we will be lost. Both you and me!
Aethernia glimpses at him. He looks like he was about to attack her, so she smiles in the meanest way she can.
- But you told me once that anyone knew about your plans?
It shuts his mouth and Aethernia gets sad again. Inner void overflows her to brims.
- I have to tell you one thing you don't know yet. - she says calmly and blandly – There's no way out of this place.

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