Your in a...

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(Bonnie and Taehyung in pic)

Bonnie's Pov

I walk out the house and drive my car to work. After Taehyung said he was going to basically not give up, I left abruptly. Now i'm going back their to make his life hell. He did it to me so i'll do it back 10 times harder.

I arrive and say hello to all the Secretary and say they all look nice, it doesnt hurt to be polite and nice. We begin conversing and we talk about randomness.

Taehyung's Pov

As I was coming out my office and I hear laughters and a familiar voice, which is wierd as it is always silent. I rush to the laughter and see Bonnie looking hot in her black fitted dress, which stopped above her knee's. She was complimenting everyone.

Saying how pretty they all are and had amazing fashion, that's Bonnie for you always compliementing people.

"Well your very beautiful". I hear jimin say as Bonnie looks at him with wide eyes. I feel a feeling burning at the bottom of my stomach. I didnt like it, not at all.

"Thank you Mr park, your awfully handsome". She says while eyeing up and down. A gowl escapes my lips and everyone's head turn in my direcrion. I feel my cheeks burn up as currently i'm hiding behind a vending machine with my head pointing out.

"I-I was looking f-for Miss K-keen". I manage to get out with stutters.

"Behind a vending machine Taehyung". She says with a giggle and instantly I feel happy, she smiling wow she's so gorgeous. My secrety look at her in shock, probably beacuse she called me Taehyung.

"Miss Keen know's me, that's why Im fine with her calling my first name." I say and they nod and begin their work.

"Miss Keen meet me in my office, in 5 minutes. And bring my coffee". I say with a smile and leave and to go to my office.

Bonnie's Pov.

Hmm. He wants coffeee, ill add my special touch. I call it hell.

Taehyungs Pov.

As I'm sitting down, I here the door open and Bonnie comes in, holding a cup of coffee. She smiles and I smile back. While placing the cup infront of me she sits down.

I take the cup to my lips and she eyes me intensly. I take a large gulp, immediantly regretting it. The spice begins to invade my tongue. Killing my buds. I couldnt take it I spat it back into the cup, while running through the back door, which leads to my arpartment.

Bonnie follows, laughing loudly. Though I love hearing her laugh, I'm pissed. I run to my sink, still following  Bonnie's laughs are under control. I feel my cheeks with water. But the pain doesn't stop. I run to the kitchen and grab the milk carton, I chug the milk but still the pain is lingering. As Im fanning my mouth, I feel small hands tap my arm.

I turn around and meet the blonde.

"What". I growl.

"Your in a band". She asks with a huge smile.

"Its none of your buisness". I growl again and then carry on fanning my tongue. She makes a weird noise with her teeth then snapps

"I gave you a chance to fire me". I look at her with shock. She was actually serious of making my life hell.

"You did".

"You want me to go?". She asks looking me in the eye.

"No Bon-Bon". She tuts and hits my arm hard. I sigh not from pain but from impatience.

"Im Miss Keen to you".She says coldly. I growl then slamm the fridge door hard.

"So are you in a band". She looks at me with a small smile. Wow she really is bipolar.

"Yes". I mutter. She looks at me then whispers

"Sing for me". I look at her with wide eyes then say

"How do you know I sing?". She looks at me in disbelief then camly says.

"I have heard you sing, and your voice is beautiful". My heart flutters, as my feelings for her grow.

Bonnie's Pov

(He is singing it in korean, but Bonnie understands so ill wite it in english)

"Listen to my heartbeat,
It calls you whenever it wants to,

Give me your hands,
Save me save me,
I need your love before I fall fall,". Wow his voice is........ I have no words.

"Bonnie". I hear him call, I look at him directly and say

"Your voice is so... so.....soothing, its beautiful". I see his face light up, he then hugs me. But I don't hug back, he awkwardly pulls away. His face is contorted in hurt. I feel so guilty, but I am not ready.

"You love my voice". He whispers and looks at me fiercely. I smile.

"Yes". But he his look don't change  in fact he looks more hurt.

"Yet you don't love me". He says softly and I flinch. I take in a deep breath.

"No". Thats all it took for him to walk out the door and for my heart to break.

Perfection Or Rejection (Taehyung FF Ambw)Where stories live. Discover now