I'm A Little Unsteady...

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Dodie's pov

I wake up to sun shining bright onto my face, not even in a cute way, more in a 'ow my eyes wtf sun' way. Once I stop squinting I realize that theres something kinda heavy on my chest. I look down to see her. The girl I have been lucky enough to fall in love with, the girl with the beautiful eyes, soft skin, and adorable smile.

Looking at her now I realize it should have been obvious who was laying on my chest, but it's too bloody early for my brain to be functioning properly.

As I continue looking at her, I realize, she's naked? Why? Oh my god, I'm naked as well!

Wait a minute, I think to myself as I remember what exactly happened last night. I smile and let out a content sigh. I run my hands through her hair, admiring how peaceful she looks while she sleeps.

She's my girl.

Your pov

I wake up to Dodie running her hands through my hair and smiling. It felt so nice just being close, I didn't want her to stop, so I kept my eyes closed just a little longer.

'Cause I'm kicking up stones without you, can't pick up the phone without you'   she starts singing in a soft voice

'I'm a little bit lost without you, without you.'

Without even thinking, I start humming along. She stops and laughs.

"How long have you been awake ya lil shit?"

"Just a few minutes"

I open my eyes.

"Jesus it's bright in here!" I say in shock

"Dude that's what I said!" She exclaims

I look up at her smiling.

"I seriously love you so much" she whispers

"I love you too."

Eight hours later...

Dodie has just gone to a premier for some movie I can't remember the name of. I'm so not in the mood to leave the house right now. Everything was fine really, I put on a movie, I had some popcorn, I was fine.

Emphasis on was.

After a while of being totally okay, I started to think. They weren't just regular thoughts either, I always assume the absolute worst.

There was this voice in my head telling me I wasn't good enough for Dodie, I wasn't good enough for anyone.

you don't actually believe she loves you right?

why would anybody love you?

she could do so much better.

she's only with you because she feels bad for you.

everybody hates you.

just stop trying to convince yourself she cares about you.

she's gonna break your heart.

No, no that's not true. She loves me, I know she does. And I love her, I love her so much. She's not gonna break my heart.

I knew that little voice was wrong, but I couldn't stop crying. I was curled up in a ball on my sofa crying, I can only imagine how pathetic I looked. I paid no more attention to whatever was on my TV screen, I just sat and cried.

Dodie's pov

I'd just gotten home, I was tired and desperate for cuddles. I smiled as I walked into the lounge seeing Y/N curled up on the sofa asleep. As I got closer to her I saw she had tear stains running down her face?

I sat next to her, saying her name in attempts to wake her.

"Y/N, love, are you alright?" I whispered

She slowly started to wake up. She opened her eyes, the second she saw me she got off the sofa and ran into my room.

"What's the matter?!" I said loudly as I ran after her

I got to my room to see her taking her things. I looked at her in confusion.

"Y/N what's going on?" I ask in a soft tone

She stops what she's doing, take a deep breath, and looks at me.

"I can't do this anymore, it's over." she says so quietly I almost don't hear her.

Tears start rolling down her cheeks while I stand in shock. I feel tears starting to pool in my eyes.

"w-why?" I manage to choke out

She doesn't say anything. She continues picking up her things, tears still streaming down her face.

Before I can say anything else, she's gone. I still don't even know why, I can barely even process what just happened. I plop down on my bed. I just lay there, crying in the same bed I was in only a few hours ago, telling my girl how much I loved her.

My girl.

She isn't my girl anymore.

She isn't my girl anymore.

Yeah this chapter was kinda sad I know. I just felt like there wasn't really a plot to this book so I added a bit of drama. This isn't the end of the book btw, it's only the beginning :) I love y'all, thanks for over 900 reads :)

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