Part 4

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Gabby's Pov:-

It was really late when I had gotten home, I just hope that I didn't wake up my mum as when I had opened up the front door. I saw her standing there and she looked pissed off.

"Gabby do you have any idea what time it is?!" Ruth had asked her daughter.

"Yes, I Know I am very sorry that Its late. I did bring back some food though...some left over pizza and a hamburger with fries for me for lunch tomorrow at school." I told her. She looked less tense.

"Ohhh ummm.."

"Do you want to try some pepperoni and mushroom pizza?" I had asked her.

"Considering it is really really late..I would love some pizza...thank you honey."

She had said as she had grabbed the pizza away from me to help me carry it.

"So you aren t' mad at me anymore? Why were you mad earlier?' I had asked her feeling concerned as we had aten a slice of pizza in the kitchen where we had bar stools to sit on and they went around in circles too. It was quite fun but it made us really dizzy sometimes.

"I was just worried thats all honey because they are some weirdo's out late that could you know hurt my favorite baby girl." She had said getting teary eyed. I had gotten up out of the chair and then I had given her a hug.

"Its okay mum. I"m fine. I have my cell phone on me in case I need to call and I have my pepper spray too." I had explained to her.

I had smiled and she said "Yes I know..I'm just being your Mother I guess always over protective."

"Thats' because you love me." I had told her. My Mum had smiled and said "Well Yeah who wouldn't love you? because your pretty special girl.

"So How was  your night out with Rianna?" She asked me as she wiped the tears out of her eyes and then she taken another bite of her cold pizza.

"It was really fun. I had sung "Only hope." By Mandy Moore and Switch Foot. "Really?" She asked me as her blue eyes had beamed. "Oh yeah it felt good to sing..because you know how much I love to sing!" I had told her and she knew all about my fascination of wanting to become a famous singer.

"So what do you think the boys would be like in person. I still can't believe that your dream is coming true in a matter of months!" (Or weeks) Cant remember what I had put earlier *Sorry*.

"Ohh they could be geeky, edgy, romantic, hilarious, generous and kind and dark maybe."

"ohhh yeah maybe all of the above is that because you read them fanfics online?" Yes.

The website is called (Totally made up the website name dont use it)

"hmmm are they any dirty fanfics on there?"
She had asked me.

I had almost choked on my piece of pizza. "I had nodded." "Gabby!!! How on earth do you know?

"There are a bunch of categories listed above the search bar..and plus I made have read a few...but dont worry mumma I won't do anything like that til I'm married." I had said and gave her a wink and a shy smile.

"I hope so..." And I heard my mum sigh and thats what happend we just talked about the good stories to read on site and then we talked about our favorites she already knew mine but what I loved about each boy but what I loved most about Harry was about EVERYTHING and how he'll always remain a sweet CUPCAKE to me.

A:N// Hey Guys and Gals I really hoped you liked this chapter. Sorry it is short its hard to get inspired because I don't want to plagerise on some of chapters that I write from other in my head. This is all Made up but I would love it if you would comment and vote on my story and also give me a follow and I'll follow ya back maybe? ;) and that way you can be updated when I write more in my story.!! Sorry if there is missed spelled words. I'm not a perfessional ;) LOL Love to all And Love another and Be kind.!


P.S. I'm still having one direction infection and its been 6 years they went by too fast. I will alwasy love harry styles. Louis Tomlinson. Zayn Malik. Liam Payne and Niall Horan.~ Thank you for all the memories 1D!! and for making my life so much happier and better <333 and thank you for the motivation you give me daily. I simply can't thank you enough and thank you to the fans that help me write too I wouldnt know what to do with out you guys Forever a 1D Fanatic !!

~Peace + Love= Happiness for life!!

P.s. 2 "What do you think is going to happen next please comment below!! WHOOHOO <3


Harry Styles and Demi Lovato story The  Worst and Best days  By NaestylesWhere stories live. Discover now