Part 18

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Gabby's Pov:-

I still couldn't believe that Harry had asked me to marry him in front of our friends. I mean I've only been on a few dates with him and that. I know he loves me and stuff but I think its a little too soon, I mean we haven't been together for even 6 months yet or a year even . Its' only been like 12 weeks since he first called me to congratulate me on winning the tickets and then he had asked me out and I was thrilled to death about it. And Still am thrilled. We still havent even picked out the wedding date yet I mean I'm like 16 years old . (I think thats how old Gabby is I cant remember lol sorry.) And I have to my whole life to get married, but being Engaged to him is okay too because its a form of saying that I want to spend the rest of my life with you and a promise that we will some day hopefully remain the same.

When I had told my mum the news she was really thrilled to death. Then she did give me the lecture on how I am young and how I have the future still ahead of me. I told her "But Mumma I love him and he loves me its more of a promise to get married some day, I"m not sure when But I hope its in like 2 or 3 years tops..definitely after High School." I had explained to her and she had just smiled.

"I'm so happy for you Gabby, I love you so much and wish you both nothing but the best."  She had told me and then I had given her a hug.

"Thanks mumma!" She had spinned me around and said "My daughter is soon going to get married. And that is so awesome!" She had said and added. "Hey about you wanna get some pizza tonight for dinner?

"Sure I would love that is that to celebrate?" I had asked her.

"Yes and because I love you and I want to treat you to your favorite dinner."

"Aw mumma thanks."

So I had went up to my room to call Harry and share him how My mum reacted about the News about us being engaged.

When he had answered I had said. "Hey husband, how are you doing?" I had smiled and grinned at him.

"Hey wifey hows my baby doing? "

"Pretty good, and guess what My mumma is happy about us being engaged."

"Well thats good..are you happy?" He had asked me.

"Yes I am very happy...I think we should get married after I graduate from college." I had blurted out.

"Col-lege? Well thats is okay with me baby, sorry it just threw me off a little bit."

"Thats okay cause I was only thinking college cause that way before we have kids and a career we can spend more time together and then ill be around the age of 21..."

"Oh okay yeah I understand, I will still wait for you even in five years, I will wait for you because I only want to make you happy and because Gabby Henderson I am forever more ever in love with you!" He had admitted.

"Awww baby, I'm way more in love with you," I had started to laugh."

"I dont think thats possible babe."  He had said.

"Yes it is possible, anything is possible when it comes to love especially how we always  get back to eachother when we have a fight. Kind of like the note book." I had said to him.

"The note book huh? Well I guess we'll have to watch that for a date night some night Also wondered what day in five years do you want to get married?" I had asked Gabby.

"February 14th....on Valentines Day."

"Sounds like a great idea to me. I love you so much...sometimes It hurts how much I love you."

"Aww baby, Do you want to come over tonight Me and ma are having pizza to celebrate. and then we can watch the note book." I had added feeling comfrontable in my own skin.

"Yeah if its okay with your mumma." Harry had said.

"I'll go ask her really quick." I had told him.

"Hey mum can Harry come for dinner tooo?" I had asked her as I had yelled down from the upstairs.

And she had replied "Yes, I would love to have diinner with my future son in law." She had said. "Tell him to here in 15 minutes, thats when the pizza is getting ready."

"Okay I will thanks mum!" I had said and then I put the phone back up to me ear to tell Harry that he was more than welcome to come over and spend time with me and my mum and to eat pizza and watch the note book too with me.

"Yes I would love to come over." Harry had agreed.

"Alrightie be here in 15 minutes." I had told him and said I loved him.

"ALrightie Wifey WIll do, I love you." He had said.

"Love you more and See ya soon." I had added and then we both said bye and then we had hung up the phone.

I was starting to feel really happy.

Harry Styles and Demi Lovato story The  Worst and Best days  By NaestylesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang