Part 30

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Harry's Pov: Paul had called us one direction to see if we wanted to do a last minute type of show for our home town where it all started for a charity event for people with cancer. And we all had said sure why not. We love to perform. So I had told Gabby and then she had told her friends, Rianna and Rylee, and then Eleanor, and Perrie. And then my two friends from school Jesse and Tyler (sorry if thats not the right names) i cant remember. Anyways, we had gathered our stuff and Gabby had gotten to ride with us on our tour bus and she was having loads of fun with finding where everything was. She was even impressed with how big our television was.

"OH my god who farted?" Gabby had said out loud as she had plugged her nose. I couldnt help it but laugh because it was Niall because he had said "Sorry , it was me." He had laughed out loud.

"Yeah Niall farts alot dont remember that Gabs?" Liam had asked her. And she had said "Yes I must ve forgotten." And then I told her that the smell went away. "What kind of songs should we sing tonight at the concert?" I had everybody.

"Rock me, Little things, what makes you beautiful, moments, Shes not afraid, Live while we're young, 18, Where do broken hearts go and then Little white lies and more than this." Gabby had shouted.

I was shocked. Well not really shes a hard core directioner. And then she said "Well any song is awesome that you guys sing guys, you are all angels."

"Awwww." Everybody had said. And then So we had decided to sing our favorite songs from all five albums to pick out. When we had arrived at our destination, there were fans already ready to get their ticket checked out to go in the palace to see us perform. I just hope nothing bad will happen to night. I just want everything to go right. I had thought to myself. So we all had gotten out of the tour bus alright and then we marched where the V.I.P Section was in the room and then I had asked Gabby if she was going to be okay with the girls and stuff and then she said "of course."

"Of course she will be, we love Gabby Harry." Rianna had said. And then they all said "Yeah," and then it had made me feel a little better. Soon the show was about to start. We all knew the songs by heart cause we sung them over 50 times for each song for the previous concerts. The crowd was starting to get loud when the announcer guy was introducing the names of the guys soon my name was called and I had headed out and then I had said to the micro phone . "Hey loves, we are One Direction!. " ""thats what makes you beautiful." My voice had echoed and everybody had started to get even more louder and then were singing

1. what makes you beautiful.

2. moments.

3. One thing.

4. Fire proof

5. where do broken hearts go

6. Night changes

7. Fools Gold

8. Live while we're young

9. Drag me Down

10. Perfect

11. What  a feeling

12. Best song ever

13. You and I

The crowd had all cheered and then we had said "We love you, thank you for coming, all proceeds will be going to cancer research...and Thank you again, we love you." I had said and then we all taken a bow and then we had headed back to where our girls were in the V.I.P section all of a sudden there was a disturbance coming from the section their. I heard gabby "What do you want from me?!" She had yelled at someone. I had quickly headed her direction and said "Guys gabby is in trouble!" I had yelled at them. We had all hurried. When I had arrived. It was a guy wearing all black sweater and a hat and then he had a gun in his hand.  I had done my best to push him out of the way of gabby and then I had pinned him up against the wall to have him try to release the gone.

Harry Styles and Demi Lovato story The  Worst and Best days  By NaestylesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant