Part 12

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In my dream it felt really real. So real that i felt like someones lips were on mine. When i had looked up to see who it was it was none other than Niall. He had told me.... "Hello Princesss...."  I had thought that I was kissing Harry. But it wasn't him at all. I taken a step back. I said  to Niall "Hi Niall um I'm so sorry I thought u were Harry."

"Anything can happen in a dream love." He had smiled. "I knew you felt something between us."

"Between us? Ni I'm madly in love with Ha-harry."

"What harry doesnt' know won't hurt him babe cakes." Niall had said.

"It will eventually." I had told him and i bit my lip and I had felt really guilty for kissing Niall even if it was just a dream.

"You did like it though didn't you?" Niall had asked me as he was feeling a nonchalant.

"yes a little bit...i dont think im supposed to like it even if its just a dream."

"Come ere Princess..." Niall had said as he moved forward and tilted his head and then he had kissed me again and it was sweet and his lips tasted like vanilla.

"Ni- Ni -Ni Niall...." I had said while he kissed me. "We're not supposed to do th-this..." I had told him.

"We're fine its okay. Its just a dream. Relax. Harry wont ever find out about us." He had explained.

"About us?" I had questioned.

"Yes. We are right here right now. Ive always wanted you ive been jealous about you and harry dating because he always gets girls he sleeps with them and be rids of them and I can't see that happening to you too because I'm in love with you and You are too blinded in love with Harry and his good looks and charm that your missing out on the good parts of me and feelings for you!" Niall shouted and he felt fuming towards the middle of what he was saying. He had pushed his blonde hair back to wipe the sweat out of his forehead and then he let out some air.

"I just need to think this through...." I had told him.

"IS that really true about Harry using girls and then be ridding of them?" I had asked him.

"Yes, he's been doing that every since before One Direction came as a group." He's nothing but a manwhore!" Niall had exclaimed.

"M-Manwhore, no he's not he's the most amazing person ever to walk on this planet and he makes me feel so special I just can't believe that you would say something like that. Harry is also a sensitive human being and he would never treat a girl that way any girls for that matter. I can't believe you!" I had stammered.

"Guess again...Just look." Niall had said as he had showed me a cloud of smoke and it showed a picture of Harry with a girl in bed and then he payed her for sex and then he told her to get lost and a few other girls that he's been with..I just felt like a tear that was falling down on my face and I couldnt help it but say..."He wouldn't..not do this too me..because hes in love with me too."

"Not as much as I am with you Gabby Henderson!" Niall had screamed and then he brushed his lips hard against mine and then we just started to make out. and then i pulled apart right away and then I had started to give him a slap on his face. "How could you ?! Make me confused about Harry and my feelings for him.!"

"Hes' not the right one for you!" He said in is Irish accent.

"Either are  you." And i looked and Niall was really heart broken. "You don't know that for certain." He said in between tears. "I just want us to be together a happy ever after." Niall had said as he was crying.

"Ni I"m So-rry..." I had told him. And thats when my alarm for school woke me up. when i woke I had felt like tears were streaming down my face. I couldn't  believe that I was actually crying in my dream.

All of a sudden I had gotten a text from Niall. I had snuck my phone accidently from my mum and it said "Good Morning Princess...We need to talk.."

A:N:_ Hey guys and girls sorry i havent written in this since like before halloween Ive been really busy and dont come on here as much! Anyways I got me a job now so i will be busy with that for a while at least. I think I start some time next week but I'm not fully sure. Itll be  a new expierence for me cause ive been looking for work for a year now. If you are struggling for looking for work never give up keep on applying and checking back. its all worth it in the end. What do you all think is going to happen to Gabby next and with Niall? Will she realize it was all a dream or  a vision??

Love ya please comment and vote it really helps me out and if u want feel free to write down your books and i will check them out when I get time too! peace. love . happiness ~RenaeStyles <33 xoxo

Harry Styles and Demi Lovato story The  Worst and Best days  By NaestylesWhere stories live. Discover now