Part 7

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song for this chapter :- Small Bump ed Sheeran <3

Gabby's  Pov:- 'So guess what ma,?" I had told her as I had came back home from shopping with my girl friends.

Ruth:- "Whats up? You went must be for something special."

Gabby:-"Of course it was...Harry Styles he called to congratulated me on the phone  he got my number from the radio station and he asked me if I were free tonight so at like 7p.m ( i forgot what time i said earlier)- and he asked me out to dinner. " I had said and grinned.

Ruth:- "Oh MY GOD REALLY!? That is amazing girl. Do you think it will be the start of something new?"

Gabby:- "That's so hilarious you said that cause Rianna said the exact same thing!! And yeah I hope it will be. Do you want to see the dress I bought from my allowence?"

Ruth:- Of course!! but maybe show me when you try it on for your date. Is he going to be picking you up here?

Gabby:_ "Yes of course after all it is my first date with a celebrity. But I hope harry styles is as sweet as they say and not a womanizer like the paps say in the magazine and on the news." I had told her.

It was only an hour or two before we got back so it was about 3p.m. and I had four hours left so I had decided to go watch Pretty Little Liars and 3 episodes of saved by the bell. Then I went to go get showered and changed. The hot water felt good on my body it felt like I was in a water fall and I almost lost track of time while I was thinking of harry styles in the shower with me. Oops lol. Maybe that will be for later?

I turned the water off after I was all washed up and wrapped my hair in a towel and dried my hair off with a blow dryer. It was purple my favorite color. Then I had gotten dressed and then went to my bedroom and I changed. I grabbed my dress out of the bag and placed it over my arms so it could fit me better and it slid down to almost my knees. *inserts little black dress* song by 1D here*. I couldnt help it but smile at myself. I look smoking sexy! and gorgeous too. I grinned really big.

Then all of a sudden I had gotten a text message from harry and he said "You almost ready babe?" H. xoxox

Me:- Yes almost..gotta put on my make up." I had replied to him.

Harry said:-"Don't need make up to cover up being the way that you are is e-nough!!" He said in the text. I started to blush.

Me:- "You win." I had said and I had laughed.

Harry texted :- =) H. xoxo Ill be there soon gorgeous!

Me:- Alright, love ya!

Harry:- "Love ya too Love."

And then I couldnt help it but grinn at the text. He was so sweet.

It wasnt long for Harry to find my house after i texted him the address and stuff. My stomach was in butterflies in knots I was so nervous because I didnt know what to expect.

I heard  a ring from the door bell "I'll get it!!" My mum said and she opened up the door and she was really surprised to see none other than the Harry Styles.

"Ruth:"Hi harry, you may come in..Gabby is just upstairs." She said in a calm and collected voice.

"Thank you...and your name is?" Harry asked her.

"Ruth. But you can call me mum." She had said.

Okay that was weird why is my mum being that way we havent even be on our first date yet! I had thought to myself so I had gathered up my courage and I went down stairs...I had looked amazing if i say so myself. Harry had looked up at me and he said "WoW!!" and so did my mum she was mesmerized.

Harry Styles and Demi Lovato story The  Worst and Best days  By NaestylesWhere stories live. Discover now