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I finally have something to rant about XD

So recently, I decided that I woyld tryout for step. If you don't know what that is, it is basically making a rhythm with your body (Hands,heels, chest etc). I had thought that the step tryouts would simply be us stepping. I was dead wrong. The first day we did 100 or so jumping jacks (Not even joking) Wall sits (Where you are "sitting" on air and back straight with your arms straight in front of you) 30 laps. And the dreaded 6inches. 6 inches is where you lay flat on the ground put your hands underneath your booty and lift your legs up 6 inches. Your legs must be straight out and must stay up until the coach blows the whistle. We then do a few crunches (Like 15-20). And then after about an hour of that, we did 15min of step -_-. Basically, thats how its been for the past week and that why I havent updated SIH cuz I am too tired tbh. I just finished step and am currently taking shots of coke(the soda).


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