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I got tagged by AlpineBreadStick

1) Do you prefer writing in blck or blue pen?

I prefer black pen because black over blue 😛

2) Would you prefer to live in the countryside or city?

I spent 3yrs and one summer in the country. And I loved it!! There was so much open air and the cows couldn't judge me when I ranted and sang to them XD

3) If you could learn a new skill, what would it be?

I would want to learn how to ride a horse. That would be amazing!!

4) Do you take your tea/coffee with sugar?

No. I prefer to drink my tea with no sugar. My coffee on the other hand. I'm pretty sure there is more sugar and creamer in there than actual coffee 😛

5) What was your favorite book as a child?

The Narnia series and any book that had to do with ponies. I was obssesd with trying to meet a unicorn~ (Still am)

6) Baths or Showers?

I like showers better. It reminds me of standing in rain.

7) If you could be a mythical creature, what would you be?

A unicorn in the form of a human. LIKE IN THE LAST UNICORN.

8) Do you prefer e-books or regular books?

Regular books, cuz they don't need to be charged.

9) What is your favorite article of clothing?

Tights, mainly because I do a lot of running around and jumping etc and tights make it easy to move.

10) Do you like your name?

It's a love-hate relationship with my name.
My dad was too lazy to come up with something original so he named me after the month I was going to be born in. Jokes on him, I was born a month early~

11) Who is a mentor to you?

Uhhhhhh....Oh!! All of my sempais^^

12) Would you ever want to be famous? What for?

Nah... I like being well known among friends though

13) Are you a restless sleeper?

Oh yeah.
I kick in my sleep and since my mattress has a bunch of springs my blankets usually end up on the floor when I wake up. Only way I don't kick is when I drink water before bed. Which I never do cuz I'm too lazy.

14) Do you consider yourself a helpless romantic?


15) Which element represnts you the most?

Mmm... I want to say water because it changes easily and can be raging one second then calm the next.

16) Who do you want to be closer with?

This one girl at my school. She has some trust issues and I don't know, I want to try and help her out.

17) Do you miss someon right now?

Yeah... My mom's side of the family and my best friends.

18) Tell us an early childhood moment.

Warning: This story is going to be gross b/c it explains the next question.

According to mom I was about 2yrs old and we were living in the house in Bukidnon, Phillipines. Me and my older cousin were just playing some game when her poop filled diaper fell off. So like the idiot that I was, I grabbed a handful of dookie and put it in my mouth. And swallowed. My mom (who was watching us from a distance) had screamed "STOP BEAU!!!" but it was too late. The deed was done. She scooped me up, rinsed out my mouth, brushed the crap outta my mouth(literally), and prayed. Needless to say, that little stunt landed me in the hospital for 2-3weeks.

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