Be alright

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A/n: ok so I got the idea of this story from Arianna Grandes song but I only like the theme really and the song 😊. Btw guys me and my older sister drew that picture.

"Barry?!" Caitlin yelled over the intercom. Still no response. The suit wasn't showing any type of pulse. "Daddy??" Amber asked sweetly. Still no response. Soon Amber and Lavis began to cry and you were trying to calm them down.

"Guys he's ok..." You began but trailed off feeling a tear slide down your face. Suddenly a gust of wind and two arms wrapped around you. You didn't even actually realize because you were too deep in the thought of what you would do without Barry.

"Y/n I'm right here calm down." You heard a voice say. You hadn't even realized that you were crying too. You looked up at the figure holding you and it was Barry. You stood up and hugged him tight. "Baby's it's ok." He mumbled as he kissed the top of your head. You broke down crying from the thought that Barry could have been dead.

You felt a pair of lips against yours and knew it was Barry. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back. He pulled back and you both rested your foreheads against each other. "Baby it's going to be alright, calm down."He said pecking your lips again.

Suddenly two little bodies teleported in between you and Barry. Lavis and Ember hugged their dad tight and you all had a big family hugged.

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