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3rd Person POV

A group of monsters walked down a beaten down trail through the mountains on the cold dreary night, their hisses and growls ringing loud in the silent night. The air felt like it was pressing down on the ancient beasts, almost warning them about the scene soon to unfold.

A rumbling sound was heard behind the monsters and their heads whipped around only to see the path they came down blocked by rocks, forcing them with no route of escape.

The group continued down the trail, now slightly conscious of the dangers of their path. Those with wings were not as scared as the other monsters who could not fly, knowing that they would have a larger chance of escaping should enemies close in.

The moonlight seemed to dim to none and the monsters soon relied on their night vision to see. The apparent leader of the group - a largish monster at the front of the group - looked up to sky, soon seeing that the moon was being blocked out by a powerful force, a deity far older than the majority of the monsters on the upper world.

A distorted screech was heard from the looming dark fog in front of the group, by now the monsters were scared witless. The leading monster barked out orders in their monstrous language and the group of mythological creatures formed a defensive position, guarding themselves and each other from the dangers of the night.

Shadowed figures appeared around them, seemingly popping straight out of the dark fog. They all knelt facing in one direction, bowing there heads to something yet to be seen by the surrounded group.

A deity stepped out of the fog, the shadows clinging to her as she walked. She had black wings on her back and a whip made of stars tied to her belt. She was a churning figure of ash and smoke, and more than 40 feet tall.

They guessed the deity was a she as she wore a dress. Her dress was void black, mixed with the colours of a space nebula, almost as if galaxies were being born in her bodice. Her face was hard to see except for the pinpoints of her eyes, which shone like quasars.

But the only thing that really stood out to the group was the deity's hair.

It was a frizzy bush of ginger.

The monsters stifled their laughter, the all-powerful deity that was a striking image of darkness, had ginger hair.

"Join me monsters. Join my uprising." The deity spoke with a strong voice, "I have watched you for awhile now and I have decided that you will be strong additions to my army."

They shifted uneasily and leader of the group stepped forwards and faced the deity, "Why do you want us?"

"I wish to destroy the gods and their spawn, to plunge the world into eternal night."

It was at this point the monsters' suspicions were made true; they were facing the Primordial of the Night, Nyx.

The leader of the group made eye contact with his group, coming to an unanimous decision. He stuck his chin up defiantly and addressed the Primordial of the Night, "And what if we said no?"

Nyx raised an eyebrow, though the monsters could barely see it. "You would all be taken hostage and used as bait to capture your demigod friend, Perseus Jackson."

Instantly the monsters readied their weapons, preparing to put up a fight. Knowing they would lose, the leader signalled to the emposi in the group to write down a message to the previously mentioned demigod.

"We will not be your soldiers, nor your bait. Do your worst, Primordial of the Night." The leader spoke, though fear shone in his eyes.

"Very well." And with the Primordial's short words, they were submerged in the dark fog.

The emposi had just tied the letter around the griffin of the group's leg as they were plunged into darkness. The sinister laughter of Nyx echoed around them and the shadowed figures' footsteps surrounded them, pounding against the the cold ground.

The leader swung his axe at the shadowed figure before barking out an order to the griffin. "Maiscill! Fly up until you're out of the darkness! Get the letter to P~Instinct! Hurry!"

The griffin, now known as Maiscill, flew up and away from the group, off in her hunt to find the demigod. A screech was heard above them and they realised that Nyx must of had shadow figures in the air too.

As the monsters fought and fell to the shadowed figures, soon it was only the emposi left. She soon was overwhelmed by the shadowed figures and quickly succumbed to unconsciousness like her fellow teammates.

The dark fog vanished, taking all it's inhabitants with it.

The night was silent, the moon was once again shining on the area and unaware of the kidnapping taken place underneath her nose- after all, it was out of her domain.

The distorted screech ripped through the air a final time, as if it were trying to catch the attention of the shining moon and it's lady.

It soon withered away and the night resumed once again in it's sinister silence, hiding the many dangers of the Land Beyond the Gods.

Percy Jackson: Trouble In The Land Beyond The GodsWhere stories live. Discover now