"Cleverly forged lies"

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Annabeth's POV

"What do you mean you won't fight for us?!" I shouted, standing up and joining Thalia.

"I mean, I'm not doing this for you miserable lot, oh mighty daughter of the Wisdom Goddess," Percy mocked me, a sneer on his face. "So shut up, sit down, and let me explain to the others – who have been sat there patiently – what my map is for."

Fuming, a retort nearly escaped my mouth but Thalia shot me a look, the daughter of Zeus sitting down and raising an eyebrow. I followed her after a moments hesitation, a plan forming in my mind as I settled on discreetly glaring at Percy as he began to explain the map.

"To start off, there are three main ideals in Alaska – as three is interpreted as a powerful number, three on a quest, the big three, three fates, etc. – but to survive, you need to believe – or follow the path of – at least one of them. These ideals aren't the type you Black-and-White minded people follow, monsters don't see things that way because they're not as simple-minded as mortals, so try to be open-minded if you will," he started. "The first one is darkness; it can be interpreted in many ways, as a lifestyle – or as you call it, being evil and trying to kill everyone – or as a pursuit, which can be controlling darkness," as he spoke, he absentmindedly created a ball of darkness in one hand, "Or anything else – like hunting or travelling in the dark."

Nico spoke up, "So you follow darkness? I mean, judging by your little performance."

Percy laughed bitterly, "Yes and No." he looked at us quickly before we could interrupt, "I'll explain it later."

The ball of darkness in his hand disappeared and he continued, "The next one is bloodshed – the most popularly followed ideal in Alaska and beyond, as this is monster law globally – and again, you can think of it in many ways; most monsters follow the path of bloodshed as they kill demigods and often fight in wars, a reason many followed Kronos in the first place, to satisfy the burning desire for bloodshed that is the main drawback of this ideal. Of course, you could also call bloodshed an ideal of warriors and heroes – because gods know how much blood you each have on your hands – as you like to pretend that your nice and good and then end up killing creatures for your own benefit."

I scowled at his words, watching the others do the same. Piper stood up angrily, "We don't kill monsters for our own benefit! It's in often in self-defence and for other people!"

"Lies," Percy smirked at her, "Cleverly forged lies from your gods to disguise the true nature of their spawn."

Hazel broke in, trying to stop the fight, "But what's the last ideal?" she asked.

"The last and most dangerous ideal of monsters," Percy raised an eyebrow at the daughter of Pluto. "Is magic; it can easily go wrong and it's so destructive that very few monsters use it – those who do usually being the offspring of Hecate. It is a path for mages, healers, and many dark creatures, but it is very much believed in."

"If barely any monsters follow that ideal, why is it one? And is that, like, the one that you follow – based on the magic you keep using." Leo asked.

"Because, Valdez, while it is not often practiced, magic is a respected and feared power," Percy stated, "And once again, wait until I've finished to discuss the ideals."

Leo shrugged but kept quiet, gesturing for him to continue.

"Magic, while it can be beautiful, it is also deadly." Percy waved a hand in the air, creating golden whisks that dropped to the table in a pool of crimson, "In many eyes, it is safest to leave it alone, but if you can master magic, there is little to nothing that is impossible to do."

I hope you guys enjoy this bulk update, I thought I ought to make up for the lack of them in previous months while the holiday's here and I have time on my hands!

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