"You go get her!"

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Piper's POV

Jason stepped towards Percy, spitting his words out like they were poison. I felt bile rise in my throat, my heart raced and my ears pounded, numb to all else I couldn't see. My hand slipped to my waist, clutching Katroptris with shaking hands. I felt small comfort in the celestial bronze blade, but it was a means of protection if a battle broke out in the rising tension.

My breath came out in icy clouds and I stared at Percy; his hands were open against his side which made me doubt his connection to the drop in temperature, but upon further inspection I noticed little tendrils of blue dancing about his fingers, swirling snowflakes and droplets of ice between them. He seemed calm on the outside, but I could sense the anger burning within him – I could tell who was going to win in the inevitable fight.

"Someone needs to get Thalia," Nico whispered behind me. "She's the only one who can stop this."

Annabeth turned around to face him. "You go get her!" she hissed.

I heard footsteps pounding against the ground below us, as light and as quick as deer. I closed my eyes and whispered, "Too late."

The door to below deck crashed open, Thalia Grace stepping out in all her fury. Her eyes were controlled and steel-gazed, sweeping over us without a thought before she turned to face the real problem. We all stared at her, but Jason barely even registered her presence, dominating Percy deemed more important in his mind.

Behind Jason, Percy gave Thalia a weak wave, his eyes pleading as he gestured to Jason. Thalia seemed confused (and as was I), if Percy didn't want to fight – why was he?

Thalia's jaw was set, and a hand rubbed a bracelet on her wrist, the other holding a can of mace. She looked ready for battle, frightening and powerful as she stood away from the prolonged carnage. I shared a glance with Annabeth and realised she was just as nervous as I was, her hand twitching towards her Drakon-bone sword.

"What the Hades do you think you're doing?!" Thalia addressed the two, her tone low and threatening.

Percy shrugged in response, moving closer towards the edge of the deck as Jason moved towards him, his denarii in hand. I felt my breath catch in my throat as he flipped the coin, frozen in shock as his imperial gold gladius emerged.

"Jason," Thalia growled out. "Stop this madness, now."

But Jason ignored her, cornering Percy further towards the end of the ship. The disowned son of Poseidon stumbled back and his hand curled around his icy staff, pushing it in front of his face as Jason's sword barrelled down into it.

There was a mighty crack as the ice staff cracked in half, blowing us all to the ground as sheer power exploded out of it in a fiery wave of blue. I felt my body scrape across splintered wood and my arms covered my face in protection. I could hear the others fall down as they fought against the tsunami of pure power, their sounds of pain as they crashed to the ground and the sound of lightning crackling in the air.

Percy's voice broke through the chaos, powerful and determined as the broken staff's energy smashed into him in relentless bullets. My eyes cracked open, staring wordlessly at Percy as he moved away from Jason; in his grip he held his sword, Riptide shining like a beacon of light as he parried Jason's blows.

His eyes glowed a solid sea-green, no black or white in the mass of power. I felt fear course through me, undeniable waves of terror rolling through me like a bowling bowl – heavy, strong, and knocking over every other feelings or thoughts in my body.

"Jason! Stop!" Percy yelled, darting away from my fiancé as Jason tried to kill him.

Hey, this must be one of my fastest updates on this story so far, huh? Sorry about that, I had a small bout of Writer's Block... it was horrible.
I'd like to say a large thank you to everyone who answered the question in last chapter, it's awesome to know there are people who are willing to try out my new story after this series is done. To those of you who haven't commented your opinion, it's fine that you haven't but I'd really appreciate it if I could know what you think.
I hope you all enjoyed that little cliffhanger, bye!

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