"I'm in."

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Nico's POV

"It's pretty simple, Nico, we ask Thalia to summon a rain storm for us," Annabeth answered me. She turned away and started to talk about what we'd need to do as soon as Thalia summoned the rain, but I didn't listen.

Frank had rushed over to where I stood, supporting Hazel's other side as she slumped against him. He shot me a questioning glance and I pointed to her head.

"She got hit on the head by some debris when we all got blasted back," I said, watching Frank nod his head in understanding before I turned back to the conversation.

"– And after we've stopped all the fires, our next focus will be stopping Jason from killing Percy," Annabeth looked at us all in turn, searching our faces with a questioning look. "Any ideas?"

I shook my head, but I could see I wasn't the only one. Everyone else had no idea on what to do either, or so I thought before Hazel mumbled something. We all stared at her and she mumbled it again, her words quiet and jumbled.

"'It 'im in the 'ead," I deciphered from her words, repeating it to the others. "Hit him in the head."

Piper shook her head as the answer was handed to them by a battered Hazel, "Which 'him' though?"

"We knock both the cupcakes unconscious," Coach Hedge grunted, hefting his baseball bat. "I'm in."

My fingers twisted around my skull ring like the knots in my stomach as apprehension filled my chest in juddering breaths. Hazel clung to Frank and I like a lost child, her hands shaking and her eyes glazed. She wouldn't be able to stay conscious for much longer, I decided, she would need to go down into the medical bay.

Frank glanced at Hazel with a frown, clearly thinking along the same lines as I was when his lips parted in question. No words came out for a moment and Frank closed and opened his mouth like a gaping fish once more before speaking. He spoke softly, sending a caring look towards Hazel, "Before we do anything, I think Hazel needs to get away from here, she's in no condition to be in any more action until she's healed."

He clutched Hazel, keeping her from falling to the floor like I was. After a moment, Annabeth sent him a nod and we began to make the journey to below deck, my heart racing as I struggled to keep Hazel – who grew fainter and fainter by the second – from toppling onto me. My arms heaved with the effort, my face red and my skin beaded with sweat.

We made to the steps before Frank seemed to notice my struggle with Hazel. My legs had almost given out from the pressure, my knees trembling under the strain. Frank turned to look at me, shock covering his face like a mask when he saw my position. Unlike me, he seemed fine keeping Hazel upright and I couldn't see any signs of exhaustion on him from holding her. He scanned me quickly, the corner of his lips tugging into a frown.

Of course Frank wouldn't be struggling like you, di Angelo! I mentally scolded myself, not everyone's as weak as you! Besides, he's a son of Mars – and seriously strong!

"Hey Nico," Frank said after a moment, his eyes darting between Hazel and I. "Would you mind if I carried Hazel the rest of the way? I mean – no offence, but it doesn't seem like you or Hazel are benefiting from how we're carrying her now."

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