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Percy's POV

"You're not coming with us," Jason stated, folding his arms. He stood a few paces away from me, leaving a noticeable gap between us. His non-sword arm was in a sling, an after effect from the wound caused by the Gorgons. I noticed how he faced me, with his weaker arm further away, and realised that he still didn't trust me – despite saving his life.

I raised an eyebrow, "And why is that?"

"You said that the gateway would only open for you," Leo called out. He stood by the controls, his eyes darting between Jason and I, "Wouldn't that mean they would close as soon as you entered them?"

I stood up, leaving my staff leaning against the railings of the Argo II. I shrugged nonchalantly, "Probably, maybe? I don't know?"

By this point, everyone on the ship was present and listening except for Thalia. She wasn't on the deck like everyone else, but she was probably sharpening her arrows or something.

Annabeth broke away from her conversation with Piper, staring at us - or me - incredulously. Piper's eyes were rimmed with red and a feeling of sympathy coursed through me as I wondered what might of happened to the daughter of Aphrodite. Her kaleidoscopic eyes were a sad and dull blue, shoulders slumped as she leant tiredly against the mast.

Annabeth's face was one of shock, tinged with faint traces of red rage as she glared at me. She sent an apologising smile to Piper (although it looked more like a grimace) before focusing her attention back onto me.

"What do you mean 'you don't know'?" She demanded, striding forwards until she was next to Jason. "Are you having a laugh?"

I shrugged, shaking my head, "Nah. Once you're in, you're in. You can get back out, but not in. It's a magical gateway, and finding it's the hardest part."

Piper's glistening eyes latched onto mine, a mutual look of sympathy shared between us as we empathised with the other's position. "But you have to find it to leave, right?" she asked, her voice wavering at the end.

I sighed, massaging my temples before looking back up at them. "This is going nowhere," I decided, looking each person in front of me in the eye. "Look, if I stay on here to keep the gateway open should it close – which it won't – then you won't be able to find the gateway again to leave, anyway. If I come with you, I can tell you what's in those mountains and navigate for you, I know where the exit is."

I looked away from them, my gaze settling on the North Mountains as they approached us; they were tall, wide, and unmovable, the only obstacle left in our path if we were to defeat 'the Dark Lady'. I knew that the mountains held our answers – but there would be challenges, and I wasn't quite sure who was on my side anymore. I let out a heavy breath, drawing it out before I faced Jason and Annabeth once more.

Jason's hands were balled into fists, his cheeks an angry red as anger raced about him in chilling winds. His eyes burned into mine and I knew that I'd lost a friend in Jason Grace. His good arm slipped into his pocket, coming back a moment later with a golden denarii in his grip.

He opened his mouth to speak, electricity sparking around him like a cocoon of lightning. Annabeth backed away from him, obviously sensing the danger too. She dragged Piper closer to Frank and Hazel, taking her away from the possible fight.

"Listen, Jackson," Jason snarled. "Things are different now, we can't just go in without a plan – without knowing what we're up against – it doesn't work that way anymore. You want to get us all killed? I dare you go try, you coward."

I updated, at last. I have no excuses (as per usual) asides from being lazy, procrastinating, and working on a new story – a story I will tell you about later. For now though, would you mind answering a question of mine in the comments section? Thanks if you will, its a shame though if you won't.

Question: How many of you/ have you read the Harry Potter Series? If so, would any of you guys be interested if I wrote a Harry Potter/ Percy Jackson crossover after this series? It would have longer chapters than this though.

Percy Jackson: Trouble In The Land Beyond The GodsWhere stories live. Discover now