Chapter 1

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AN: I'm editing this entire story, as of 1/30/18. Now I'm starting to feel as if my younger self was touched in the head.

William Potter turned back to Harry and sneered, narrowing his eyes and scrunching up his nose. 

"Look at this scum. Why does such vermin have to sit in my compartment?" William demanded rhetorically.

Harry smirked at the familiar routine of insults. He didn't say it, but it felt nice to have a bit of familiarity in the foreignness of the place he was in.

"Will, you can't even read yet, you spoiled prat, so who's the useless vermin here? Imagine classes. The professors will adore you, I'm sure." Harry threw back, crossing his arms as he leaned back into the comfortably cushioned seats of the Hogwarts Express

Will scowled angrily.He hated being brought up short like this, as Harry was very academically successful but he was not. In fact, Harry had already learned everything in all of the primary and secondary school curricula, as he spent all his time studying fervently for lack of better things to do. He was rather proud of that too, and would often mention the accomplishment every time Will started discussing his uselessness.

"But you're right Will," Harry added. "Why am I sitting with such a dunderhead when I could be sitting somewhere else?" Without another word he stood up and turned around to leave.
He called ME vermin. VERMIN, that idiot, he is a useless flop! HE'S THE VERMIN!
Harry scowled and glared at the door as he shut it behind him with a satisfying sound that probably jolted Will slightly. He slumped against the wall of the adjacent compartment to the one he was just in, which was, thankfully, sparsely inhabited.

He turned his head to the side and stared out the window, looking at the countless trees of the forest. Then suddenly he saw a castle, which he assumed must be Hogwarts. Harry straightened up immediately and stumbled away from the wall, nearly tripping into the trunk of a student, who only glared at him for a second before turning to whisper with her friend, the only other person in the compartment. Then he turned back to the window to gape at the sight again.

The majestic building rose up behind the mountains, inspiring awe and a bit of trepidation in the first year, who stared at it with rapture.
This is the place were he would be accepted for being him. This was his new home.
Hopefully, he would not be in Will's house.

The very thought of being with Will nonstop for seven whole school years sickened him to the stomach. While in sixth and seventh year Harry would probably get a reprieve (he had a slight doubt that Will could test into that many NEWT courses) it was still a terrifying thought.

The train pulled to a stop close to the school, next to a large lake and a large line of carriages, none of them pulled by anything. Harry shivered slightly, but he didn't feel cold at all, only delighted by the abject strangeness that he was facing. Even Potter Manor lacked horseless carriages. Actually, in all honesty, Potter Manor seemed to run on mostly Muggle technologies.

 Harry's eyes then strayed toward the giant of a man - Hagrid! - that stood near the lake, waving energetically at the train. He blinked, turning his head away for a second, and then looked out the window one last time as the students in the compartment closest to the door disembarked, most going toward the carriages but a few of the younger ones climbing into boats that were floating serenely on the lake.

"Time to go, git." Will said dismissively as he swept past Harry.

Harry gave a start and hopped away from the window. "I thought I was vermin!" He shouted after Will's retreating back.

His twin didn't respond with any words, choosing instead to throw a nasty look over his shoulder. Harry sighed and hurried back into the other compartment to snatch up his trunk and beautiful (but a bit malnourished, but at least it wasn't obese like Will's) snowy owl, Hedwig.

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