Chapter 5

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The next day, the sun dawned brightly in Harry and Holly's shared room, and they both leapt up and out of bed. Summer vacation still had 2 and a half months to go, and their goal was to achieve being an Animagus by then. Despite the short time frame, the twins were feeling confident.
Harry sent Hedwig to Ron and Holly sent her owl,  Artemis, off as well. The Owls were their only pets, their only luxury. They had to save up so much money for it, it was tiring.
Holly and Harry staggered to the library, feeling as if someone had stunned their legs.
When they reached the library, Harry helped Holly carry some Charms and Potions books to the Transfiguration section, and were about to sit down when Harry tripped and went flying, yelping.
Holly glanced at what Harry had tripped on, and was surprised to see a stirring James Potter laying on the floor.
"What the bloody hell? What are you doing here?" Harry yelled.
Holly grabbed her wand.
"Aguamenti!"she yelled.
A huge spout of water burst out, dousing the now awake James Potter and the unfortunate Harry, who was clutching his knee and didn't hop away quickly enough.
"Holly..." Harry started warningly.
Holly shrieked and ducked as Harry yelled a spell. To late, she realized what it was.
"Ugh fine! You win!" She squealed as she slipped down a slide that the spell had made. The slide had an up-curve, however, and she popped up right next to James, who was now on his feet, bemusedly rubbing his eyes.
"Kids, what's going on here?"
James angrily gestured to all the books.
"I'll fix that." The twins pointed their wands at the wet books and said "Exaperso."
Harry added "Impervius,"
"Kids. You were reading THESE books? Why?"
James paced. "Have you got any idea how dangerous it is?"
"Maaayyybe." Holly replied.
"And how irrational it is to do it with only researching, like, 4 books? People who had researched ten hadn't even accomplished it! It takes years!"
"We read fifteen." Harry persisted.
"But- Ugh. I give up." James threw his hands up.
Harry and Holly high fived.
"You two kids have grown too close if you're now plotting to conquer me." James remarked.
"We haven't finished." Holly whispered.
"Yeah, we still have..."
Harry yelled "Incarcerus!" Cords bound James as Holly yelled "Petrificus Totalus!"
The twins jumped on James and tickled him, and an hour later, when Lily opened the door, she found a James laughing and hiccuping as two kids tickled him to pieces.
Hi. It's me.
I know being tickled to pieces is inhumanly possible, but it's a metaphor.
Anyways I'm planning on making sequels.
One will be for his third year, then his fourth year, and so on.
Thanks all people who are still reading! It's really nice to know that people take the time to read my things.

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