Tagged... what do I do???

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Sorry if you thought this was a chapter. I am preparing my next chapter to be updated tomorrow, I swear!
Well, I finally got around to checking my notifications, and I got tagged.
Well this is my first time ever doing this...
I was tagged by @TheMagicBorderCollie.
1. I am in middle school
2. I have a brother who doesn't believe in nargles. I will not forgive him for that.
3. I play on Roblox. My account in lunalovegood77771
4. My best friend is probably Ella (Not putting her last name). You guys won't know her, most likely.
5. I am a total and complete Potterhead, but my side fandoms are Percy Jackson and The Mortal Instruments. I also enjoy Hetalia, but don't engage in the shipping- I watch it for comedic entertainment only.
6. My favorite book is Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, because it is where Luna makes her first appearance. Chamber of Secrets is nice too.
I don't know what else to put.
Now I will tag:
No idea who else I should tag...
Happy New Year!

The Wrong One (wrong boy who lived story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora