Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. Sadly.

That summer, James Potter pulled Harry and Holly outside.
"Harry. Earlier as you were doing the laundry I saw you push up your bangs and wipe your forehead-"
"So? Is it illegal?" Holly demanded in Harry's defense. Harry kicked her foot and shook his head.
"No. I just noticed a small scar here."
James reached over and pushed hair off Harry's forehead. He studied Harry's scar, touching the skin and inspecting his fingers, like he expected fresh marker ink to come off of it or something like that.
"I'm going to go check on William. Holly, cook dinner. Harry, help Holly. I expect dinner to be ready in 25 minutes. Go."
Harry and Holly scuttered off, both glancing back at their father.

That night, James and Lily Potter realized who the real Boy-Who-Lived was. But how will they convince everyone else?

They can't. Everyone else would have adopted to the "William is the Boy-Who-Lived" mindset, and it couldn't really be proven that he wasn't. Newspapers would be pointing out possibilities left to right. The lack of a scar on Will's forehead could've been it healing. Or maybe Harry drew his on in a desperate stunt for attention.

That night, Harry and Holly had crept to the library. Well, Harry had crept - Holly had followed him and he figured it would be better to keep her around anyhow. He had really warmed up to her over their school year, which was, thankfully, uneventful.


"Mandrake leaf for a month... Gross. How?"

"Like gum, I suppose."

"Month long gum," Harry wrinkled his nose.
"This is going to be really annoying. But we want to be Animagi, so let's carry on."

They continued their researching, until their parents called them in for breakfast. For some reason, they seemed nicer.
They passed the butter.
They acknowledged Holly.
They weren't snarky to Harry.

Holly kicked Harry's leg.
I know he mouthed.
The two turned and asked in unison
"May we be excused?"

The library was a bright place, at all times. James tiptoed in, turned down his favorite aisle, the Transfiguration section, and...
...fell straight on his bottom.
"Oi!" He whisper shouted. He looked down and pulled out the culprit- a book with the title: Animagi- All You Need to Understand The Basic Concepts of Animagi.
James opened the book, to where the readers would sign their name. He smiled as he looked at how his signature had evolved over the years, but frowned slightly when he got to the bottom of the list.
James Potter
James Potter
Sirius Black
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Harry Potter
Holly Potter
James did a double take. Harry and Holly were reading Animagi books? Why? What kind of sick joke was Professor McGonagall playing, having kids learn this in first year? Why hadn't William signed - oh right, he couldn't read.
He flipped through all the books in the section.
Apparently, Harry and Holly had read a large number of books about Animagi. Harry had done some reading on his own as well; a number of books lacked Holly's name.

"That's weird," James declared, rolling his sore neck. "I could swear they're trying to become Animagi."

Heh. Heh. Questions. Heh.
The answer will be in the next chapter!
This is my most popular story, which really isn't saying much...
Quotes of the Week: "Dobby has no master! Dobby is a free elf!"
"Dobby never meant to kill. He only meant to maim or seriously injure."
"Harry Potter is to good to Dobby!"
RIP Dobby. I'm feeling really emotionally attached to him at the moment...

The Wrong One (wrong boy who lived story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant