Chapter 8

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No ones POV
The handkerchief, as it turned out, was probably in William's room. James wasn't known for his placing skills, or finding skills, so he wound up offering a shirt to Lily, who was crying against the wall. When she accepted the shirt gratefully, he hugged her and she burrowed her head into his chest, hiccuping.
The door opened.
Lily lifted her head off James's chest, and they turned to see who opened it, and saw Harry, carrying a lit wand, staring at them.
"Harry?" Lily asked. She took a step closer. "I'm sorry."
"Ok," Harry said, mouth dry. He hated it when people cried, it was awful.
"Harry," James said. "I'll let you off this once for underage wand usage, but do it again, and I will ground you from treacle tart from a week."
A ghost of a smile materialized on Harry's face. "Deal," he said, hugging his dad.
James Potter grinned. The family felt functional, finally, but there was one minor problem.
William Potter.
He stood in the doorway, sneer etched on his face. "Don't go hugging such lowly scum, Father, you might get dirty."
James unattached himself to Harry and turned to face his other son calmly.
"William Potter."
William looked up at him.
"Father, call me Will. Or the Boy Who Lived. Or perhaps the Chosen One, or the One To Kill Voldemort. But not my full name."
"There was a misunderstanding," Lily explained, crouching a little so she was face to face with Will. "We have discovered that you are not, in fact, the boy who lived. Instead, Harry Potter is. You know, your brother?"
William's eyes widened. He had grew up believing that, and now...
"So, basically, you're telling me my life was a lie."
"Yes," James said cautiously.
There was a long silence.
"Lies!" William spat, twisting away from Lily's touch.
"What? Will?" You aren't my parents! You must be imposters, trying to brainwash me!"
Lily stared at James, and the stare was returned. They both were bewildered. What was wrong with William? Why won't he accept that he was not the Boy Who Lived?
"Get away from me, imposters!" William shrieked.
And then a loud thud, and the pair could see Ron passing the heaviest volume in the library back to Harry, who walked off to the library, probably to replace it.
William lay knocked out on the ground.
"He was starting to get annoying, I couldn't sleep," Ron explained.
An awkward silence, broken by James.
"Well, its late. I suppose I should carry William up to bed?"
Lily laughed and snogged James goodnight. Ron looked away awkwardly.
"So uh, goodnight, sir," Ron waved to James after Lily ran off to bed.
"Goodnight," James said, and slung William over his shoulder.

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