Chapter 7

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Harry woke right up when the knocker sounded.
the...morning?" He groaned, feeling around for his glasses. Holly slept straight through it: and didn't even stir when Harry knocked over a glass of water.
Opening the door quietly, Harry made his way through the dark house toward the front door; when he made it, he saw the figure of Ron Weasley slumped outside the manor's door. Harry opened the door, and tapped the knockers nose(which was a stag) a habit he always did as a kid.
"Harry!" Ron exclaimed, leaping to his feet. "I'm so sorry it took me so long to get here! Is Hermione here yet?"
Harry laughed at his sudden energy. "She wrote me: she's getting here tomorrow afternoon."
"Is Holly in there?" Ron asked, standing on his tiptoes, trying to see into the house.
"Yeah. She's sleeping...I think. She might have waken up." Harry gestured to Ron to come in. Ron obliged, dragging his things with him. As they crept along the dark hallways, Harry heard faint whispers from a door and pressed his ear against it, knowing full well it lead to his parents's bedroom.
"I don't think we should tell the public immediately, James, instead maybe tell Dumbledore?"
"I did. I didn't get an owl back, and I sent it a month ago. Besides, I doubt Dumbledore really cares-"
"Of course he cares! He's Dumbledore!"
Harry pressed his air against it harder, and gripped the handle.
"Does Harry or Will know?"
"I didn't tell either, Lils, Will wouldn't take it too well."
"Tell me what?" Harry asked, and the door swung open, and Ron, who was standing in the hallway all that time bravely walked up to Lily Potter and asked for directions to the kitchen.
"Go down that hallway on the right, then climb the first staircase, go down the middle hallway, then turn left and it'll be the fourth door on the right." Lily directed. Then she turned back to Harry, biting her lip. "Harry-"
"So you know my name, huh? Impressive." Harry snapped. He felt a wave of anger at Lily, who used to ignore him all the time, and often force him to do chores.
Lily blinked.
"Harry! Don't you go around being mean to your mother because she made a mistake and thought Will was the Boy-Who-Lived!"
But it was five in the morning, and people are always grumpy and cranky then.
"A mistake?! A MISTAKE? She practically SHUNNED me for almost my entire life, and you want me to forgive her?" Harry slammed the door after him and darted down the hallway in search of Ron.
James looked at Lily, and her green eyes were started to well up.
"I messed up everything." she wiped her eyes, but more tears came.
"Lily... I'm going to go get you a handkerchief." James kissed her on the cheek and left.

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