Chapter 3

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Breakfast the next morning was a rowdy affair, the Weasley twins loud as ever. Harry glanced toward the Slytherin table in between jokes. He kept looking back at William's sour face; it was addicting.


Harry jumped in his seat, rattling his bowl of porridge. "Yes Hermione?"

"You seem nervous," Hermione said, finishing her porridge. She set it aside and cast Harry a stern look. "Why?"

"Nothing," Harry replied, shoveling porridge into his mouth after a quick glance at the time. "It's just classes. Nervous about them. You know."

Hermione cast him a suspicious look but decided not to push to matter, turning around and talking about classes with Percy Weasley instead. Harry sighed in relief.

That day, Harry was late to four classes, much to his disappointment. He had accidentally stumbled into the girl's bathroom twice, and had even gotten lost in a passageway before he realized that it was one of the secret passages that Hogwarts housed. Ron and Hermione fared no better, but that was because they had been walking with him.

By the time he fell in the trick step and got trodden on by a fourth year, he was already frazzled by the day's events. So naturally, he exploded when some random redhead girl strutted (well, walked, but in his mind she was strutting) up to him and told him that she was secretly his long lost twin sister.

"Yeah, ok. Now get out of the way, because I'm late to my class!"

Harry had pushed her out of the way a bit too hard and Ron barely caught her forearm before she fell down the steep staircase. Hermione fixed him with an disapproving look, and he hastily apologized.

"Sorry," he said. "But I don't think you're my lon twin sister, really. Good try though."

He waved a small goodbye and walked away, hoping that he didn't find his way into a dead end.

"Harry," Ron called, his long legs catching up to Harry's shorter ones quickly. "I reckon you should hear her out."

Harry shook his head. "And be late to our next class? All to listen to someone spout some cliche plotline?"

"Now you sound like Hermione," Ron grumbled, crossing his arms as he glances over at their bushy haired friend, who was speaking to the redhead girl in a quiet voice. "Well, normally."

"We really do have to go though, Ron," Harry pushed, making a point of looking at the sundial that was perched upon the large sill. "I mean, we're going to be so late for classes..."

"Eh," Ron flicked his hand flippantly, but hit himself in the nose. Harry smiled as Ron massaged his nose for a second.

"Why not?" He asked. Harry sighed.

"Sure, I suppose," he resigned. "Only for a minute or two, though."

The two walked down the stairs to meet the girl, who smiled tentatively at Harry, looking a bit scared. Harry sighed again.

"I'm in a bad mood, so if I find out you've been lying..."

The girl straightened. "No! No I haven't. My foster mum told me to look for you, because you're my brother. Well twin."

"There's William too. Why not him?"

The girl shook her head. "Mum doesn't like William. I don't know why though, I never met him personally."

Convinced that the conversation was going to be civil, Hermione and Ron relaxed. Harry glares at them swiftly, then spun his head back to face his apparent sister.

"Well then," he began stiffly. "What's your name?"

The girl brightened. "Holly Primrose," she said. "If you like, you can add a Potter on to the end of that."

Harry shook his head. "No, I'm not ready to do that. Well, have a good day, Holly. You're wearing a Gryffindor uniform, so I'll assume that you're Gryffindor. Meet me in the common room after classes today. Don't bother walking with us to our next class; I don't know I should trust you yet. It's a really big thing you've told me, and liable to being a lie. It also makes no sense."

"No, no, I understand!" Holly said, twirling her hair as she bade them goodbye.

"So, do you believe her?" Ron asked curiously.

"I think she's loony," was Harry's swift reply. "But if she's not lying, then I'll be pretty happy."

Hermione navigated then through Hogwarts successfully and they managed to arrive in class on time.

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