7. !!

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"Oh, sorry Jax, i can't talk. I was about to go to the bathroom. I was just accompanying Anna till I got to one". I said awkwardly.

"But you're standing right next to one". He said confused.

"I know that, was just about to go in.........BYE!" I replied, leaping into the girls bathroom.

"What's up with her?" I heard Jax say through the door.

"I don't know, Jax, i don't know". Anna said. Then they walked away.



I might have been a little dramatic, who am I kidding. I WAS WAY TO DRAMATIC!

But.....he did hurt me, but did I have to give him the cold shoulder?

"Miss....."She glanced at her clip board" Remay, is it? Of course it is! Can you please give and example of what's on the board please?"

The word on the board was Simile, we'll it was in horrible handwriting, so I'm hoping that's what it says.

"Yes Ma'ma, what do you want me to make the example about?" I asked.

"A butterfly"! She said running around the class acting like one.

The class was snickering, then someone commented," Maybe you should act like butter and not a fly!" The class ooohed. So stupid.

"The sky was as beautiful as a butterfly that morning". I said ignoring the other comments.

~The bell is the Ringing!~

IT was lunch.....ugh.


I didn't go to lunch, I walked through the forest that surrounded are school. Apparently are school used to be related to a monster school, like people for me. But it's just a rumor.

I took off my hood and let my tail show as I walked through.

I saw a pretty tall tree, and i leaped up to it. The branch I grabbed snapped and I quickly leaped to another one using that branch.

I sat against the tree leaning on the branch.

"You're faaaaar from home". I heard behind me. "Qwhat are you doing back here May"? He asked.

"Nice to see you too, Joel".

"What happened to J"? He said, leaping to my branch, causing it to fall.

I landed on my feet on the ground, while he was running down the tree.

Joel- One of my first friends, ever. I only see him when I'm here. He is part demon, that's why he is hear. He is also very flirtatious with me, but i still love him. As a friend.

"Your still as sharp as ever, hunie, and datt butt, ooooh". He said, "Now as much as I love checking you out, what's wrong?" He said, finally getting serious.

He sat against the tree, and his tail wrapped around my waist pulling me closer and setting me down on his lap.

He was gonna place his hand on my butt, but I told him, "Please don't, I'm not in the mood". I said, my voice shaking.

His face changed to sympathy, and he rapped his arms around me, "I've never seen you so shaken up, what's wrong, May?"

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