'I checked again. Still no sign of them,' Bellamy says while he walks back into the drop ship.
It's been half of an hour since we got here and Finn and Clarke are still not back. I'm worried. What if they have Finn and took Clarke also? Then we failed.
'Where are they?!' Raven asks frustrated while she keeps waling forward and back.
'Maybe they needed to hide or something,' I say.
There is a change that one of the Grounders found them and they needed to run or hid or something.'Wait, I see movement,' Bellamy says.
Raven and Bellamy point their guns to the curtain that's hanging in front of the entrance of the drop ship, and I grab my sword. I don't know why they let me keep it. I'm told that I'm dangerous with my sword. I feel dangerous with it to be honest. But I feel like I can really protect myself and not that I can die every moment because I can't protect myself. Of course I can protect myself with a gun but my sword feels better. I'm just not used to a gun. I'll probably shoot myself than the target.The curtain moves and Murphy walks in. When he sees us with our weapons, he puts his hands up.
'Whoa, whoa, it's me!' Murphy says a little scared.
'Where were you, Murphy?' I ask him while I put down my sword. Raven and Bellamy put down their guns too.
'Peeing. You could have come you know. We could of had some fun,' he says smirking.
'That's enough Murphy,' Bellamy says getting angry.
It's funny when he's jealous.
'Chill. It was just a joke.'
'Why did Raven invited you?' I murmur while I climb up to go on the second level.|||||||||||||
'Put her down.'
I look up at the familiar voice and rush to the lower level. Clarke and Finn are back. Finally. But why is Clarke laying on the floor with all the others around her? I rush to Clarke and look at her. She's unconscious and she has blood on her face.'What happened?' I ask worried while I sit down next to her and try to find the wound. It's hard to find because of al the blood. She's alive though. She's breathing and her heart is still beating.
'We were attacked by a grounder,' Finn explains worried.
I look up at him with a curious look.
'And what did you do?' I ask him.
I'm not gonna be happy if he killed him. He killed to many already.
'I let him ran away.'
I look in his eyes trying to find out if he's lying. But I don't think he is. Or he's just a great at lying.I nod at him and look back at Clarke.
'Give me some water and a piece of cloth,' I say to no one particular.
After a few minutes Bellamy and Raven come back with the stuff. I put the water on the cloth and press it against Clarke's head.
'Hey, you're going to be okay, you hear me? You're going to be okay,' I assure her.|||||||||||||
'Finn please stop worrying. She's going to be okay,' I say slightly frustrated.
Finn makes me crazy. He's been asking me every minute how Clarke is doing and every time I tell him the same. He's just walking to every corner of the drop ship and he hasn't sit for one second.
'It's my fault if she dies. I could've protect her,' Finn says for the tenth time.
'Yep. You're right. It's your fault.'
Finn looks angry at me.
'What? Every time I say that it's not you're fault you don't believe me. So then, yeah, it's you're fault,' I say.'There's movement outside! You guys better come here!' Bellamy shouts. Raven, Murphy and I rush outside. Raven and Murphy with guns, I with my sword. I lay down next to Bellamy and look around. There are grounders everywhere. At least fifty of them. Why so many? It's just one boy. Two or three grounders would have been enough.
'Why aren't they attacking?' Raven asks slightly nervous.
'Maybe they're waiting till it's dark,' I respond.
They do that every time. Surround when it's light, attack when it's dark. It used to be a good strategy, but now everyone knows when they'll attack.
'Why don't we attack now? You know, take them by surprise,' Murphy says.
'There are to many. We will never win. If we attack we will all die. Come on, let's go inside,' I say.

Fanfiction❝We'll never fall apart, 'cause we fit together like Two pieces of a broken heart.❞ ♡♡♡ In which a girl realizes that earth is not always fun. ♡♡♡ {the 100 - season 1/2/3} {Bellamy Blake X OC} {#587 in fanfiction}