11. Memory- Gilderoy Lockhart

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Dear Harry~

I'm to teach you about memory in this letter. This is my story.

 A tangle of shapes, a blur of color. A snakeskin.

That's pretty much all I can remember from the past. Hours and hours of hard thinking, days of contemplation. But I cannot remember anything else.

There must be other memories somewhere, for I am forty.... forty... oh, yes, forty-three, and there must be some sort of memories tucked away from that time.

I do not know why I remember a snakeskin. Perhaps one of my last memories had something to do with it, or perhaps the snakeskin may have been part of the reason I forgot everything. 

The latter, I think.

I know much more than they, the Healers, think I do. I know that I had memories, for a time. I know that they were there. I'm just not really sure where they went. 

Where do memories go, even? For they must have gone somewhere, but I cannot really imagine where. They aren't here anymore. Or are they? Am I sort of blocked from a part of my own brain, the part that holds all of my memories? Will I ever break through and remember them?

True, I seem to be able to access my memory when I am asleep. I don't ever remember the dreams in the morning, but I think that some parts of my dreams relive actual moments. 

The people here, the Healers, they encourage me to do things like write my name or count the posters above my bed. What they don't know is that I can already do those things with ease. It was hard at first, and I didn't want to do it, but I got the hang of it real quick. I can put numbers together, too. I think that's called adding. Even still, I wonder when I will ever be able to do what I did before whatever happened to me, happened. I do hope I will be able to do what I once did.

I hope that some day, the memories will all come back. Perhaps they will, perhaps they won't. I know I'll be ok if they don't. It's warm and friendly here, and the people are nice. But some part of me has always longed for the other side, the real world.

But is there a world outside of this one?There must be. There are no snake skins in this world, and there are in another world. I'm sure of it.

The snakeskin is the only thing that ties me to the other world.

Harry, memories define you. Do not forget about your past, or your future will be hopeless.



Hey Hey! Sorry this is so short (again!) but since Lockhart's got basically no brain, there wasn't much in there to write about. So... I'm hoping the next one will be longer, but it's a similar topic and I'm not sure. You'll just have to deal with it, sorry(:

RVC!! You know, if you feel like it(: 

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