Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

We hadn't gotten anywhere with the meeting after Egypt faded. Gilbert had insisted more and more that he had to try and get Ludwig back. Countries were frantic, worried about only having two weeks to get everyone back. Some just worried about being next and others worried about both.

I wasn't worried about dissolving. To me, it never came to my mind. I was just worried about others. We had to stop this before anyone else dissolved. Find out what was causing them to do so.

Elizabeta stormed out of the room, having enough with Gilbert talking about killing himself. She was angry, but I had caught the quick flash of tears in her eyes. She loved Gilbert... I know she did. But she knew Gilbert loved Ludwig.

Liechtenstein stood and excused herself, going to go comfort Hungary. Belgium following close behind. I wanted to go as well, but I knew that I couldn't. It wasn't my place.

"What is wrong with you?" Belarus glared at Gilbert. She had slammed her hands on the table and stood. I had jumped, not expecting that to happen. Ukraine beside her, tried to get her to calm down.

"I just want my bruder back." Gilbert said. He didn't cower from Natalia's stare. I could tell this was Natalia's way of trying to help Elizabeta. Elizabeta was one of Natalia's only friends, and Natalia was going to help her out.

Natalia rolled her eyes. "You're an idiot. All this time you haven't realized one thing." Natalia wasn't going to tell Gilbert about how Elizabeta felt. "You're hopeless, there's no chance for you."

"Are you sure you're not talking about your chances with your brother? You're the only thing he's afraid of." Gilbert said, his anger speaking for him. This wasn't Gilbert, he would never be this rude.

Natalia looked like she had just been smack. She hated it when people reminded her of that. But her small bit of sadness, slowly turned to anger. By the looks they were starting to give each other, I knew this had to stop. Or they'd end up killing one another.

"Guys, stop it, this isn't gonna solve anything." I said after I handed Alesa over to Antonio. "We need to focus on finding out a way to get everyone back. The only way to do that is by working together."

They both looked at me. Gilbert realized what he was doing and settled down. Natalia looked at me and scoffed. "Whatever." She said and turned, storming out of the room.

I sank into my seat with a frown. We were getting nowhere. We needed everyone's cooperation for this, especially with Egypt gone. He was the one who knew most of the whole afterlife stuff.

"First, can anyone see Egypt?" Antonio asked. I was glad someone had remembered to ask that. It had slipped my mind during the whole conflict between Gilbert and Natalia.

I watched as everyone looked around. No one seemed able to see him. Or at least if anyone could they didn't speak up. I started to feel a bit more helpless at that.

My hope was starting to trickle away. How were we supposed to bring back three nations in two weeks. Alesa and Gilbert couldn't go through what I had, and we didn't know if there was someone that could go through the process for Gupta. I just didn't know what to do.

"Maybe we can start by looking at where they grew up." China suggested. It was like he knew about that. But being as old as he was, I guess I didn't doubt it. He was bound to know at least something.

"So where would that be?" Cuba spoke up. I was a bit shocked he was actually involved in the conversation. As far as I know he didn't like the ones who dissolved.

"Well Alfred grew up at my house." Arthur said. I nodded taking in the information. I looked at Arthur and for a second he seemed to be far away. Probably remembering when Alfred had lived with him.

"Gupta grew up in his own country. He was raised by Ancient Egypt herself." Greece spoke softly, but it was loud enough to hear. He had a cat sleeping on his head and I was surprised he wasn't also asleep.

"And Germany?" I asked with curiosity. I wanted to know where Germany had grown up. It had been a question I always had but never asked.

I watched as Roderich and Gilbert exchanged a look. I didn't understand but they seemed suddenly nervous. Francis seemed to notice as well. "What is it amis?"

"He grew up at my house." Roderich spoke quietly. Almost as if he was ashamed of it. But why? I didn't understand.

"So you had three people grow up at your house?" I asked. It didn't really bother me. Why did they seem so nervous when there was no reason to be?

"No Feli, only two." Gilbert said. It took me a moment to process what he said. But when I did, I froze. My blood turned cold and my eyes widened as the realization hit.

"A-are you saying that he was alive all this time and you didn't tell me?" I asked quietly. It wasn't so much as I was heart broken, I had Lovino now and I loved him more than I anyone. But just the fact I hadn't been told that Holy Rome was alive... I felt betrayed.

Roderich nodded slowly at my question and my heart cracked slightly. I trusted him. And I trusted Gilbert. Yet they kept this from me.

"Who else knows?" I asked. Both Gilbert and Roderich refused to look me in the eye. I was surprised when I actually got an answer.

"Just Lizzy." Gilbert said. My heart broke a bit even more. I had trusted her the most. And to think she had comforted me so many times after I had been told HRE was dead.

"Wait, you mean to tell me this little bit of guilt I've been living with, thinking I was the one to kill Holy Rome, was a lie?" Francis said standing. I could tell he felt betrayed as well. Especially considering one of the people who let him live with that guilt was his best friend.

I shook my head slightly. I couldn't help it as tears came to my eyes. But I didn't let any fall. I couldn't, wouldn't.

Before anyone knew it, I was up and out of my seat. I heard Lovino behind me either telling me to come back or telling Roderich and Gilbert off. I didn't know which one it was and didn't care. I just needed a bit of time to process what I had been told.

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