Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

  "That idiot. How could he just agree to something like that?" Lovino asked. He was pacing back and forth at the old ruins.

  They had come back a few minutes ago. The portal was closed when they got back. Lovino had demanded the magic trio to open the portal again but the denied it. They said they wouldn't be able to open the portal for month, maybe years. It took too much magic to open the portal and it would take a while for their magic capacity to reach that level once again.

  Lovino was angry, upset, scared and many more. He didn't know what to do. He needed Feliciano. But Feliciano had stayed behind so he could get everyone else out of the underworld. It had been a selfless act and Lovino couldn't help but be upset with Feliciano for making that choice. Especially when Feliciano was carrying a child.

  "Romano, you need to calm down. Pacing isn't going to get him back." Ludwig told the other. Lovino did stop pacing and turned to glare at the taller male.

  "Calm down? Don't tell me what to do you bastard. My Fratello is down in the underworld carrying my unborn child. How the fuck do you expect me to calm down potato eater?!" Lovino yelled.

  Kiku took a step towards the two. Usually he didn't speak but he felt like he needed to say something now. Or else Lovino might end up ripping Ludwig's head off. "Italy is stronger than he seems to be. If anyone can survive down there I believe Italy can."

  Lovino looked over at Kiku but said nothing. He huffed and turned away from the two. He didn't understand the rest of them were just as concerned for Feliciano and the child as he was. But they all didn't know that Feliciano was actually carrying triplets.

  🇮🇹 ❤️ 🇮🇹

  Alesa was sitting at Antonio's dinning room table colouring a picture as Carter and Axel sat playing with some markers. The two had covered themselves in the markers. Drawing on each other in the short time Antonio was out of the room. Well it was more of Carter drawing on Axel and Axel not caring enough to object. As long as Carter was making physical contact with him he was okay.

  Alesa would glance down at them every now and then but said nothing. She just rolled her eyes and then would go back to drawing with the coloured pens. She couldn't understand why Carter found it a good idea to colour on Axel. Like there was no point to it. It would all just wash away after their next bath anyway.

  Antonio then came back into the room but stopped when he saw what Carter had done. He didn't know what to say but couldn't help it as he ended up laughing. He didn't know why that was so amusing to him. Maybe the fact that Axel was willingly letting his twin sister draw on him. He was just sitting there, letting her do it.

  "Oh my." Antonio said laughing a bit more. Carter then stopped what she was doing and put the cap on the marker. She took Axel's hand and pulled him towards Antonio.

  "Look what I did. Doesn't he look pretty?" Carter asked looking at Antonio for an answer. Her eyes wide and hopeful as she looked at him.

  "He looks great, amiga." Antonio said giving her a smile. "But you know he'll have to wash it all of later, sí? That means bath time later."

  "I know." Carter chirped. She didn't care that it would all be washed off. She was just happy she had been able to draw on Axel in the first place.

  Antonio then went and peaked over Alesa's shoulder. "What you drawing, amiga?" He asked looking at the paper. Looking at the paper he could tell that Alesa had Feliciano's drawing talent. Even if her drawing skill wasn't the best right now, it was obvious that it would only get better.

  "I drew dad and daddy." Alesa said picking up the paper to show Amtonio he work she thought she did a really good job and felt proud of herself. She had a right to, after all anyone would be able to tell who they were. Well as long as you knew Feliciano and Lovino.

  "It's really good, amiga. Maybe you can show it to them when they get back. I'm sure they would love it." Antonio said smiling down at Alesa.

  Alesa couldn't help but smile back. That only made her feel better about her art. Not that she ever felt back about it. All the things she had drawn she thought they were really good. She was too young to think otherwise.

  Suddenly the front door opened. There was no knock before hand. It just opened. Antonio instantly went to go see who it was.

  "Lovi." Antonio said with a smile. The children heard Antonio speak and instantly went to the door. They ran up hugging the Lovino's legs, happy he was here. It had been a few days since they saw him and they were all happy he was back.

  "Ciao babinos." Lovino said bending down to hug the three. Lovino couldn't help but feel a little bit better seeing the three again. But then remembering Feliciano couldn't, it made his heart clench.

  "How did it go, Lovi?" Antonio asked curiously. He just meant to ask if they had gotten all the nations back. To him it was an innocent question, but to Lovino it chipped away at his heart.

  But Lovino didn't get time to answer. Axel spoke before Lovino could. "Where's daddy?" Axel asked looking right up at Lovino.

  Lovino's heart dropped and he had to try not to break down. Usually he used anger to mask the pain but he couldn't right now. He would never yell at his children. Especially for a question as innocent as that.

  "He..." Lovino paused a moment to make sure he wouldn't cry. Not in front of Antonio and not in front of his kids. He just couldn't. "He had to stay behind a little longer than everyone else."

  "Oh." Alesa said looking down. "I hope he gets back soon then. I want to show him the picture I just drew." She said holding the picture up to Lovino.

  Lovino tried harder not to cry as he carefully took the drawing from Alesa. It was a wonderful little drawing of Feliciano and himself. "He'll love it." Lovino told her.

  Antonio just stood there not saying a word as Lovino talked with his children. He was just caught up on one of the things Lovino had said. 'He had to stay behind a little longer than everyone else.' So Feliciano was still in the Underworld, Antonio concluded.

  "Tomato eater," Lovino said knowing how much Feliciano didn't like him saying bastard around Alesa, Carter and Axel. "There's going to be a meeting in a couple of days. So we can try and figure a few things out."

  Antonio nodded understanding what the meeting would be for. Trying to find a way to get Feliciano back.

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