Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

  "You can't do that!" Lovino yelled. He didn't seem to care that he was talking to a god. I knew he just didn't want me to stay down here. I didn't want to stay either, but if it meant everyone else got to get out, I would.

  "I can do what I want, Lovino Vargas." Hades said glaring down at Lovino. He didn't say anything else, just continued to glare at Hades. I could tell he wanted to say more, just he couldn't. The words wouldn't form.

  "Wait, I'm really confused." Alfred said. "Who here is the pregnant one?"

  "Oh. They don't know. But it should be obvious." Hades said looking the group over again.

  "Italia. Nein." Ludwig spoke up. "If what I think he's implying is true you're not staying down here."

  Slowly everyone started to realize what Hades meant. Alfred began protesting as well as most of the others that were taken in by our demonselves. But Kiku and Gupta stayed silent. They had nothing to say. Or more like they were waiting for me to make my decision.

  I took a deep breath before looking back over at Hades. "It is me, isn't it?" I asked. My voice quiet but just loud enough for everyone to hear me.

  "It is." Hades said. He was getting a bit of amusement having everyone trying to talk me out of the decision I already made. That might be why Japan and Egypt didn't say anything, they knew it was pointless arguing when they knew there was no changing my mind.

  "Then we have a deal." I said and everyone that was trying to talk me out of staying shut up. Some of them were shocked that I could be brave instead of cower. "I'll stay, and you let them all go home."

  Hades smirked at that. "Alright." He said and clapping his hands together once. It sent an echo down the empty halls of the castle and before I knew it, all my friends were gone. All of them going back home to where I could not.

  Did I regret the choice to stay? No. Did I wish I was with them though. Of course.

  I looked up at Hades only to find him looking down at me. It was only then I fully realized where I was stuck. Where I was going to stay. For only the gods knew how long.

  "Being pregnant, you should really eat something." Hades said. His voice was calm, as was his face. But I didn't trust him. Romania said not to eat anything while down here. So I wouldn't.

  "I'm sorry, but I must decline the offer." I said trying to sound as polite as possible. I didn't want to upset him. I didn't know what he could do to me. Maybe make me burn just like all the other souls down here. If he could do that, which I was sure he could, I didn't want it happening to me.

  "Oh so you know about the food down here?" Hades asked raising an eyebrow. I tried to think of the myth behind the food down here but nothing came to mind. So I had no other choice then to be honest.

  "No. But I was given a warning. So I'm going to do as they say." I told Hades.

  "Alright. Whatever you do I guess I can not stop you." He said and I knew there was something else with his words. "But it'll be your fault if three non-birthed children's souls stay down here with me."

  I knew he was trying to get me to eat something, but I refused to do it. Vladimir said not to eat anything so I wasn't going to. I trusted him. And I was so focused on the fact of not eating that I almost missed what he had said.

  "Wait, three?!" I asked in shock looking down at my stomach. Three little babies. Six children since Alesa, Carter and Axel. Oh I felt bad for Lovino. He was going to get a very big surprise. I just hoped he wouldn't have to deal with it all alone.

  Hades looked at me. "I'm not going to repeat myself. If you want to know what I say then pay attention next time." Hades just brushed it off and walked away. I had no idea where he was going and frankly, I didn't care.

  I just stood there in his thrown room, stuck on the fact that I was carrying three babies inside of me. Also laughing a bit at the fact that Lovino might need to learn what exactly a condom is. Then I realized I was actually laughing in Hell. If I wasn't already going crazy down here, I didn't know what crazy is.

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