Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

  A few days had passed, I knew that much. It was really hard to keep track of time down here. So I didn't really know exactly how much time had passed. I wish I knew. It was hard not knowing.

  I missed Lovino, Alesa, Carter, Axel, and everyone else. But I couldn't do anything. I had no way out of here. I couldn't go see them.

  My stomach growled and I sighed slightly. I didn't want to eat any fire. Yes I know that sounded really weird but it was true. I didn't. But I kind of had to.

  Fire from the river Phegethon was the only thing you could eat, well more like drink. My demonself told me that and I trusted him. He knew just as much as I did that if I died, he died as well.

  I really hoped that eating fire didn't hurt the babies though. I would hate myself if it did. I put a hand over my stomach and sighed. Praying that drinking fire didn't hurt them.

  Looking at my hands, I looked for any blisters that were covering them. I was a bit surprised at how little blisters were there. I would have thought there would be more. But apparently not.

  I put my back against the wall and slid to the ground. I hadn't seen much of Hades lately and I was a bit glad about that. He scared me quite a bit. But wasn't the God of the Underworld supposed to scare people? I would guess so.

  "Please be okay babinos." I said rubbing my stomach lightly. I was trying really hard not to cry. I was missing my family and I didn't know when or if I would ever see them again.

  Hopefully Lovino wasn't having too much trouble taking care of Alesa and the twins. But I was sure Antonio would be there to help him if he needed any help. Same with Ms Hungary. I knew those two would help if he needed it.

  I missed seeing their faces. I missed waking up to see Lovino's face every morning. Giving him a kiss to wake him up if he wasn't awake before me. He would then wrap his arms around my waist if they weren't already, and ask for five more minutes. I'd giggle a bit and let him have those five minutes just so I could cuddle him.

  I didn't realize that tears were falling until after one fell onto my arm. But I didn't bother wiping the tears away. There was no one around so I didn't think it would matter. Plus in the Underworld I didn't think it really mattered if you were to cry.

I missed seeing Alesa's face, the way it lit up, every time I praised her drawings. I missed the look on Carter's face every time she would do something and claim it wasn't her that did it. Even if Axel was right there the whole time, but he'd never sell her out. I missed seeing Axel's face every time he went to defend his twin for doing something. To him, everything she did had a reason.

  I even missed having them run up to me when they cried. And the way they would hug my leg if something scared them. I missed the way Carter and Axel would scream like no tomorrow if they were separated. I even missed the protests and struggle it was trying to get Alesa into the bath.

  I missed all of it. I missed them. I missed the other countries. And I defiantly missed Lovino.

  I didn't know how much longer I could last down here. I was slowly breaking. Even with how much I tried to keep myself together. But I reminded myself, I had to stay together if I wanted to go home. I had to try and stay strong while down here. Even if it was literally hell to do so.

  I made my way to my feet after wiping away my tears. The worst thing that cound probably happen was Hades coming down the hall and seeing me crying. Which luckily didn't happen. I don't know what I would have done if he did.

  I looked at the wall for a moment and had to try not cringe. I didn't realize it before but the walls looked like they were made out of bone. I really hoped I was wrong about that. I didn't want to have just leant up against a wall of bones. But I honestly wouldn't doubt it being actual bones.

  🇮🇹 ❤️ 🇮🇹

  "Oh looky what the cat dragged in." I heard a voice said. I could hear the smug little smirk in his voice. I really didn't want to talk to him but I guess talking to him was better than talking to no one at all.

  "You say that every time you see me. It's getting a little old." I told my demonself as I looked over at him. His hair was darker than mine. Not to mention he had wings like a bat. Also he wore darker clothes than I did.

  "Well it's not my fault that you're basically nothing but a piece of shit." He said. I didn't say anything to that. I knew if I did he'd probably just insult me again. Wait, who was I kidding, he would insult me no matter what.

  "Why can't you suck it up and face Hades? Demand to go home." He said finally landing down on the ground in front of me. "Oh wait you're too much of a coward to do so. Even though months have past since you've been above."

  I stopped where I was and looked at my demonself. "Are you serious? Month have past?" I really hoped he was lying.

  "Not even kidding, as much fun as it would be to screw with you. Just the shock on your face is enough to satisfy me." He laughed.

  Had months really pasted already? I thought it had only been a matter of days. Not months. Time was so hard to keep track of when there was no sun.

  I had missed months of life with Lovi and our born children. Come to think of it, why hadn't I realized it with the growing baby bump? How stupid could I really be? That didn't just happen on a matter of days.

  I found myself leaning up against the wall once more. This time I didn't care if it were bones or not. I was having a hard time taking in the fact I've been down here for months already. I needed to get out of here. And I wanted it to be soon.

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