Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

  Another day, another meeting. This time we were missing another country. Japan had dissolved. So my allies were gone.

  The meeting room was chaotic. Everyone was yelling at me, asking me what I was going to do. Most of them had started to blame it on me. They said that because I brought Lovino back, that's why the others were dissolving.

  I bit my lip and forced the tears back. Taking a deep breath I spoke. "Blame me if you want but stop yelling at me. We're not going to find a way to get them back if you keep this up." I said and I was surprised how confident and loud I sounded.

  "I may have an idea." Greece said speaking up for once even if his voice was still the lazy tone it always was. Everyone turned to listen to him. They were interested in what he had to say. Or just desperate.

  "Well Feliciano got Lovino back using a bit of Egyptain mythology stuff, right?" Heracles said and I nodded slightly. He was right in a way. "Then why not try a different mythology to get them back. Like mine, there's a story that even tells about a man going to get his wife back from the underworld."

  I don't know if anyone else picked up on the fact that Heracles referred to it as a story instead of a myth. It was like he knew it was real. It sent shivers down my spine just thinking about it. It made me also wonder how many myths could be real if that one was.

  "That actually sounds like a good idea." Arthur said. He was one of the people desperate for an idea. "But how do we get there?"

  "We could open a portal." Romania said. "I've done it once before."

  "But you weren't able to enter it." Moldova said beside him.

  "That is true but I believe I know how to let people enter now." He said glancing over at Lovino and I. Why would he look over at us while saying this? Why not over at one of the others who were actually desperate to get someone back. I'm not saying I don't want them back, I'm just saying there are others that want the dissolved nations back more than me.

  "How?" Lukas asked. He was interested to know. I was pretty sure it was because not only did he want Matthias back, but he might have helped with the spell to open the portal in the first place.

  "You'll have to wait and see. Anyone who wants a trip to the underworld to get dead nations back, I'll see you in Athens, Greece." Vladimir said and with that he left the room. Moldova following close behind his older brother.

  Mummers went through the crowd once Vladimir and Aurel were gone. They were talking about who should go and who shouldn't. I could tell that right away Arthur and Lukas wanted to go. Same for Gilbert.

  Yao volunteered to go, because he wanted Japan back. All the Nordics that were still alive wanted to go. I thought to myself before saying I would go as well. I felt guilty for what was happening because maybe it was my fault. Plus, Gupta needed someone to go for him.

  "I'll go too." Lovino grumbled out slightly beside me. I looked over at him in a bit of shock. I didn't really expect him to want to go. "I'm not letting you do this on your own." He said to me, making me smile slightly.

  "Bastard take care of the babinos, sí?" Lovino asked looking at Antonio. Antonio smiled at him and nodded. I could tell he had no problem with taking care of Alesa and the twins.

  So it was settled. The magic trio, the four Nordics, Gilbert, Yao, Lovino, and I were the ones that were going to try and get the dissolved nations back.

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