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  I walked down the hall to Hades' throne room. My heart beating a mile a minute. I was shaking slightly but I refused to turn back. If I turned back now, I don't think I would ever have the little string of courage I was clinging to again.

  My could feel it as my demonself followed. He wanted to know how it turned out. I knew that much. But if there was the chance of him wishing me hope, I really doubted he would.

  My hands together, and my knuckles white. My heart beating against my rib cage as if it wanted to escape. My legs made it hard to stand as they shook. But I kept pressing forward.

  Once I reached the doors to Hades' throne room I paused. Taking a deep breath I looked into the mirror that reflected Luciano back to me. He seemed to be just as scared as I was. Although he hid it with a glare. He tried to make himself look strong, and to anyone else I'm sure he would seem that way. But not to me, I could see through what he portrayed on the outside.

  "We can do this." I told him my voice didn't sound the strongest. I knew he picked up on that right away.

  Luciano scoffed. "You don't sound like we can. You sound weak and pathetic." I didn't even try denying his words. I knew they were most likely true.

  "But I'm going to press on anyway. So will you." I told him. "So you can see Flavio again."

  Luciano rolled his eyes. "You know because of you I have babinos at home as well." Luciano said. My eyes widened slightly hearing that. For some reason the idea had never crossed my mind.

  "No I won't tell you their names. I'll only tell you if we get out of this hell hole. Literally." Luciano continued.

  "Alright." I said and started to lose sight of the mirror. "When we get out of here then."  I said that and then the mirror was gone. I was back staring up at Hades' doors.

  Suddenly laughter came from above. I watched as Alfred and my demonselves pushed open the giant doors. I'm guessing they had thought I froze out of fear when
I was talking to Luciano. I hadn't but I knew I was surely about to freeze now. Or at least I felt like I was about to.

  "What do you want?" Hades asked, his voice echoing around the room. I had to look up at him since he was in his God form. Which made it a lot harder to speak aloud.

  But luckily he stood and took a couple of steps forward. As he did so he started to shirk down into normal size. It was a lot less intimidating talking to him when he was a bit taller than me compared to a giant. I think anyone would find that.

  I took a moment before answering him. I had to make sure I sounded confident. I didn't want to sound weak and pathetic like Luciano said I sounded. I had to be confident of I wanted to get what I wanted.

  "I want to go back on the surface." I told Hades. My voice surprising coming out strong with only the tiniest bit of a stutter. Which hopefully wasn't too noticeable.

  "Oh you do now?" Hades asked looking down at me. "Tell me why you want to do that."

  I was honestly surprised I had gotten this far. I hadn't expected to. But I didn't let that delay my response. I couldn't let it do that, I'm sure to him it would come off as uncertainty.

  "I want to see Lovi, and my babinos." I told him. "And I don't want to have my unborn babinos here. Not in a place of death. I have nothing against you, just I long to go home. I don't belong here like you do."

  Hades rose an eyebrow at me. "Is that all? Are those the only reasons you want to go above?" Hades asked me.

  I shook my head. "No, but I could go on if you want me to." I told him. And I honestly could. There were so many reasons I could think of to go back home.

  Hades rolled his eyes. "I don't need you going on about some stupid little things." Hades said and I could tell he was starting to brush me off. But I couldn't just give up.

  "My country needs me." I told Hades. "And so does my family and all the countries I'm allied with. I have paper work that I need to do." I said saying random reasons why I needed to go back home since those were the first thoughts that came out as words.

  Hades turned back and glared at me. I was about to go on but his glare stopped me. "Shut up and I'll send you home." Hades said. "But under one condition."

  My eyes lit up with excitement hearing he'd send me home. "What is it?" I asked. I was willing to do basically anything just to go home.

  Hades held out his hand and I watched as a chalice appeared in his hand. Of course it was black with what I guessed to be amethyst and rubies on it. In the cup was something. But I couldn't tell what it was considering the chalice itself was black.

  "Drink this." Hades said holding the chalice out to me. I took a step towards him, taking the object from his hand. I looked down at the liquid inside that appeared to be black.

  "What is it?" I asked looking down at it. I raised the chalice up to my nose and took a quick sniff. But there was no words to describe the smell besides it smelt odourless.

  "It doesn't matter. You drink it, you go home. You don't, you stay here. As simple as that." Hades said.

  I looked down at the chalice and the liquid inside. 'Are you sure you want to drink that?' A voice asked. The same voice I had heard in the land between life and death. But I ignored it, the decision was simple. I had to drink this. Even if I didn't know what it was.

  I took a deep breath trying to calm me speeding heart. The I started to down the liquid. Not caring what it was or how bad it tasted. It was my ticket home and I was going to take it.

  "Very good." Hades said with a smirk. He took the chalice back. "Have fun at home." He said and snapped his fingers.

🇮🇹 ❤️ 🇮🇹

  I appeared in a house that I didn't recognize. I looked around not knowing where I was. I tried to remember what had just happened but the more I tried to grasp it the faster it started to fade away. But what had happened and where was I?

  "Hello?" I called out into the house. I heard foot steps coming towards me. I turned to see someone with dark brown hair and green-hazel eyes.

  "Feliciano?" The person asked. They seemed to stand there for a moment. Not believing I was here.

  "Who?" I asked the other. He looked at me for a moment as if I were crazy. And he seemed to grow a bit angry that I didn't know who this Feliciano person was.

  "Are you kidding me? That your name you idiot." The person said coming over to me. "Amore, if this is some joke you need to stop it now."

  "Amore?" I asked. My eyebrows furled together slightly. "I'm not your love, I don't even know who you are." I told him. And I honestly didn't.

  He put a hand on my shoulder but I brushed him off. "Don't touch me. I don't even know who you are." I said taking a few steps away from the other but ended up stopping. "I don't even know who I am..."

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