Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

  I reached the surface gasping for air. It was hard to stay afloat in the black river. It tugged at my clothes trying to pull me down. But I wasn't going to let it fill my lungs and make me drown. I had to fight against it.

  I clawed at the black grass of the riverbank. My fingernail collecting more and more dirt until I finally got a solid grip. Once I did I had to take a moment to collect my strength before I started to pull myself up. My clothes, hair and skin now all covered in the black liquid that flows down the River Styx.

  I felt disgusted and haunted as I looked at myself covered in the black gunk. I wanted it off of me. But I knew it would have to be there for a while. There were no showers down here. Or at least not that I knew of. And I really didn't want to jump in any more rivers now that I thought of it.

  I looked around for a moment, trying to figure out where I was. The castle wasn't too far away. Just up the hill. A hill I had already climbed. Oh how much fun I was going to have this time.

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  Somehow I had managed to climb the hill and get past our demonselves. It wasn't easy. And I had no idea as to how much time had pasted. But I really hoped not a lot. The longer I took the more things could happen to everyone. I didn't want anything bad happening to them. Especially Lovino.

  I looked down at my wedding ring, glad I hadn't lost it in this hell hole. I don't know what I would have done if I did. But it made me miss Lovi more, along with my kids who Antonio was currently babysitting. I hoped they didn't miss us too much. But I knew I would have them one good story to tell them when they got old enough to hear it.

  "Who's here?" I heard a deep voice call. I could t help but wince slightly at that. The voice scared me. And I knew, there was only one person it could belong to.

  "Feliciano Vargas." I said slowly pushing the big door open. I found myself staring into Hades' throne room. I was fascinated by everything but quickly focused myself. I didn't have time to gawk.

  "Oh, look who came to us." He smirked and looked over at something. A couple of our demonselves were not too far from Hades who sat on his giant throne. It was hard to look up at him just because it was so big.

  Of course I found myself in the throne room. I had been looking for the other countries but found the throne room instead. It was just my luck. I didn't have to face any of our demonselves but I had found Hades first.

  Hades stood before he started to shrink. He was coming down to human size, just so it was easier to talk to him. He was still taller than me though, just not as much as he just had been.

  "You're hear for your friends, aren't you?" He asked, his voice was still loud and I had to make sure I didn't flinch. I had a feeling like I shouldn't show weakness around him. So I tried not to, but I'm not sure how well that worked out.

  "S-Sí, I am." I said then mentally cursed at myself for stuttering. I was trying to make myself look brave but if I was stuttering, it wasn't going to make me look brave. But then again, when did I ever look brave?

  "Oh well, I guess if you want your friends back," He said before snapping his fingers. It amazes me because in seconds every country down here appeared. "I'll need something in return."

  "And what would that be?" I asked.

  All the others looked startled. Lovino saw me and his eyes were wide. He seemed shocked to find me talking to Hades. And I guess I would be too.

  "I let everyone go but the pregnant one must stay."

  My face morphed into a look of confusion. As far as I knew no one in our group was pregnant. I looked over at the other countries and they all seemed just as confused as I was. But then looking at Lovi, something clicked on my mind.

  I was the pregnant one.

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