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[ "You know, you're kinda cute." ]


"I don't know why you stress so much about it." One of my best friend's Kolbie mumbled as he pressed a cup against one of the nozzles, waiting for the thick milkshake to spill out. I shrugged my shoulders slightly, sucking my lips into my mouth as I placed a few sandwiches inside of a bag.

"I mean, it's not like it can be with some random girl." I mumbled before passing him and stepping up to the front counter; "Haley." I called, looking through the crowds of people for the one girl who ordered this food. A short red head broke through the crowd, smiling wide at me.

"Thank you." She smiled, biting down on her bottom lip. She just stood there staring at me, what else was she expecting? I raised my brows at her slightly and she just tossed her hair. "Oh crap, would you like some ketchup?" I brought my hand down to the drawer that held all of our ketchup.

The smile that she had on her face quickly dropped. "Sure." She mumbled, opening up her bag and holding it out to me. I dropped a handful of ketchup packets in her bag and she turned on her heels and walked out of the restaurant.

"You see? That's your problem right there." Kolbie was beside me again, refilling the napkin dispenser. I went to restock the cups. "What are you talking about?" I asked as I stepped up on the step stool to reach the large cups on the top shelf.

"That girl, she was giving you total sexy eyes and what do you do? You offer her ketchup! Were you dropped on your head when you were a baby? I'm starting to think that your stupid runs a little bit deeper." He half joked before putting the napkins back underneath the counter.

"She was not giving me sexy eyes... was she?" I tried to think back to the few moments that had just passed. Maybe that's why she was looking at me for such a long time. What was she looking to get from me, though? She just stood there!

"Yeah, she was. Go take that order out to the blue Lexus." He nodded his head towards the to go bag that was waiting by the fry line. I sighed setting the cups down and going over to the bag. I read the receipt to make sure everything was in there before stepping out.

I made my way across the parking lot towards the blue car, lightly tapping on the window when I reached it. I watched as the tinted window slowly rolled down revealing the brightest most piercing set of blue eyes I've ever seen in my life. Her long blonde hair shaped her face messily. She smiled a cute smile at me before reaching up to push her hair back.

She reached her hand out, her manicured fingers reaching for the brown bag. I handed it over to her and she took it into her car, setting it down on her lap. I stood there as she looked through what was in the bag. "You're Drew right? Yeah. You were in my math class." She looked up from her bag to look at me, shooting another smile in my direction.

"Yeah, I think so." Oh, I know so. I made a point to show up early everyday that semester just so I could see her walk in. There was just something about her when she walked, it was like she was putting some sort of spell on you with each sway of her hips.

"Oh, well I'm Elaina." She reached her hand out for me to shake and I took it. Her hand was so little and kinda cold. "You know, you're kinda cute." She said after pulling her hand from my grasp. She turned her head to the side and for the first time I saw that there was someone sitting beside her.

"Don't you think he's cute, Amya?" The brunette leaned forward and looked at me, her brown eyes sizing me up quickly before she lifted her coffee out of the cup holding and sipping from the orange straw.

"I mean, I guess. Your friends with Kolbie, right?" She lifted a perfectly tweezed eyebrow at me and I nodded. "He's cute. Let's go, Elaina. I want to eat." Amya urged and Elaina simply nodded, turning her attention from the girl back to me.

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