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[ How could I be so stupid? ]


"Hey, Drew." Alison Bradley waved at me as she walked by. I furrowed my eyebrows slightly but nevertheless waved back. She sent a cute little smile in my direction before walking off with her group of friends. I was so confused. This was the fourth time this morning that a girl that has never paid me any mind was saying hi to me all flirty.

Shaking it off, I walked the rest of the way down the hall towards my locker. A small smile spread across my lips when my eyes landed on Melanie standing there waiting for me, Kolbie standing in front of her. Melanie slightly annoyed as Kolbie laughed, she seemed to always be annoyed with him.

"Hi guys." I greeted them, pulling my bag off of my shoulder before going to do my combination. Kolbie grinned wide at me, patting the palm of his hand down onto my shoulder; "What's up, my man? How's your morning going?" The grin that he wore never lessened in his words.

"You know what, actually, it's kinda weird. When I pulled up this morning, Victoria Simmons came up to me and was, I'm pretty sure, flirting with me. Then second period her friend Madison asked me if I wanted to hang out with them over the weekend. Nelly came up to me after that, just saying hi and being all cute and then Alison Bradley. I don't know what's up with me today. I'm almost positive it's this new aftershave that I got, you know." As I spoke, I switched out the books from my bag and into my locker.

I pulled my bagged lunch out from behind my locker, placing it into my backpack.

"Aftershave?" Melanie laughed with a raised brow. "Drew, you've got such a baby face. There's no way you need aftershave." She continued to laugh while Kolbie shot a glare in her direction.

"Shut up." Kolbie spat, giving her a hard stare. She quieted down after that and I looked down at her with a smirk. "It's not your aftershave." Kolbie continued, leaning his back against the lockers.

"Well how do you know?" I set both of my hands down on the straps of my bag, matching Kolbie's actions with my back against the lockers.

"Girls talk." Was all he said, confusing me way more than I was before. "Yes, Kolbie, everyone does." I said with a roll of my eyes, reaching my hand up to run my fingers through my hair. "What does that have to do with me?" Melanie moved so she was standing in front of us.

"I was in the locker room this morning and Amya came in talking about Elaina Tori's party last night and the certain someone she gave brain to in his 2015 Audi R8." Her voice was annoyed as she spoke, but I couldn't help but grin.

"No way." I looked to Kolbie for confirmation and he nodded his head, smiling wide at me. "That's fucking awesome!" I spoke a bit too excitedly, catching the attention of the people walking close by.

"You're telling me. Not only is it going around that one of the prettiest girls in school gave you head, but she so generously added the size of the object she was sucking that night and let's just say, according to her, it was huge." Normally I'd feel uncomfortable just standing around talking about my dick, especially with Melanie around, but this was too exciting, I couldn't even think about that.

"So, she bragged about me in the locker room and now all these girls want me?" Just saying it out loud it was still unbelievable. Kolbie nodded his head, staring out at the sea of students in front of him. "It's going to run out, though. So you'll have to choose quick." I bit down on my lower lip, nodding my head at his words. Kolbie knew what he was talking about.

He has been the topic of the girls locker room countless times. What was happening to me was a regular Wednesday for him. "You guys are seriously pigs." Melanie piped in after not speaking for a while. She hiked her bag higher on her shoulder before turning around to walk into the cafeteria.

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