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[ "God, you're good at that." ]


I kept my mouth shut about my new knowledge on Melanie's feelings towards Kolbie. I did not want to start searching for new friends just yet. The next few days in school were beyond interesting. I went out with Ilana to lunch again on Tuesday, but this time it was just the two of us. Wednesday, I hung out with Alison and Thursday everything seemed to die down. Except for the fact that Elaina came to visit me at my locker.

She wore a red sleeved baseball shirt, tight black jeans and white sneakers, her hair pin straight down on her shoulders and back. She looked up at me with one of her large smiles, shoving her hands into her back pocket. I remembered the conversation so vividly, it was like I tapped and was now playing it over and over in my head.

"Hey Drew."

"Elaina, hi."

"Amya told me how much fun you two had last weekend."

"Yeah, she told a lot of people."

"Just to think if I wasn't with Elijah that night, that would've been me giving you head in the backseat of your car." I was a little shocked at this point.

"Probably, yeah."

"I'm not with Elijah anymore."

"Oh, seriously? What happened?"

"He's annoying. Do you want to hang out at my place tonight?"

My heart started doing that weird thing where it stops beating then goes like wicked fast. It happened a few times before I answered her.

"To do what?" I tried to act like I didn't know what she had in mind.

"Whatever we can think of. Stop by, it'll be fun."

That was it after that. She swayed her hips down the hallway and all I could do was sit there in awe, that and text Kolbie every single detail. He literally threatened to kill me if I did anything to screw this up. I promised him I wouldn't and went on with my day of learning.

Now here I was, standing in front of my closet searching for something to put on to go to Elaina's house. Kolbie sat behind me on my bed, a large bowl of chips in his lap, his hand fishing through the bowl as he held his phone in his other.

"You're seriously the biggest girl I've ever met, just wear something." He grumbled, not even bothering to look up from his phone.

"I could be losing my virginity tonight." I spoke out the thought that had been bouncing around in my head since Elaina left me at my locker.

"Not if you don't choose something to wear and get the fuck out of here." Kolbie chased his words with a handful of chips. I glared back at him before reaching my hand forward to pull out a t-shirt. The shirt was a pale blue color, which I paired with dark ripped jeans and a black and white short sleeved flannel. I didn't bother with doing anything with my hair, if she was going to be running her fingers through it, I doubt she'd want gunk between her fingers.

I slid on a pair of white sneakers, looking over at Kolbie when I finished. "Have you spoken to Melanie at all?" He looked at me with such a face you'd think I just spat at him.

"You're seriously thinking about her when you're about to have sex with Elaina Tori, really? You need to ask your mom if she dropped you, Bieber. I'm convinced she did."

"She's my best friend and I haven't spoke to her since Monday."

This was the longest I've gone without talking to her. Even when we were younger and I broke her arm by pushing her out of our tree house. I was sentenced to a three hour silent treatment, and I still got to sign her cast with the biggest brightest marker.

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