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[ "...I'll pick you up at 7?" ]


I was a bit to excited when I received a message from Melanie this morning. She wanted to talk to me at my locker when I got to school. I basically rushed through getting showered and dressed so I could get there without missing her.

I had missed her so much in this week, she didn't even come into the restaurant to get her usual. I had no clue that me almost kissing her would fuck everything up so bad. I knew now to keep my lips to myself when it came to her.

I still could not believe she had feelings for Kolbie. Kolbie of all people! I was done judging her for her interest in guys that weren't me, though. I just wanted to be friends with her again. It's only been seven days, but it felt like years since I talked to her last.

I pulled up in the school parking lot just as the admittance bell was ringing. Reaching into the back, I grabbed my backpack out of the backseat before making my way up the front steps and into the school. I sped walk through the halls, earning lots of weird looks from my peers.

I didn't care, though.

A large smile took over my features once my eyes landed on Melanie. She stood with her shoulder pressed against the lockers, wearing a pair of gray sweatpants and a dark red cropped sweatshirt, black converse on her feet and her hair braided into french braids on either side of her head. She looked so pretty just standing there, I don't know how she did it.

"Hey." I breathed once I was close enough to her. She looked up at me, smiling gently. "Hi." She reached her hand up to play with the end of one of her braids.

"I, uh, brought you coffee as like a sorry for keeping you in the dark for a whole week." She held up the Styrofoam Dunkins coffee cup, I smiled before taking it from her grasp. "Thank you." I took a slow sip out of the drink, not wanting to burn my tongue or anything.

I licked my lips, grinning to myself. She got my coffee order just right.

"I missed you a lot this week, Drew. I just felt awkward, you know?" I nodded my head at her words, turning around to face my locker. I went on to put in my combination, swinging the door open.

"Yeah, I get it. I was out of line, I shouldn't have tried to kiss you." She nodded in agreement and I switched out my books. "So are you ever going to tell him?" I hoped that she knew what I was talking about, I didn't want to actually say the words.

"Maybe, I don't know. Probably not." She shrugged.

I was definitely not going to push her into talking to Kolbie about this. If it wasn't what she wanted, then there was no sense in forcing her to do something that she didn't totally want to do. Plus I kind of liked the idea of her not pairing up with him right away. I could have her to myself just for a little bit longer.

"Do you want to hang out Friday night? Nothing big or anything, I kind of just want to watch some movies." She reached her hand up to take my coffee out of my hand, taking a sip from my cup.

Melanie liked to claim that coffee wasn't her thing, but she always found herself sipping out of my cups and marveling about how delicious it was. You'd never catch her ordering her own cup, but she'd definitely take sips out of yours, no doubt.

I shoved my locker closed, kicking it at the bottom making sure it locked. It was ghetto type of locker. I pulled my bag further up onto my shoulders, reaching down to take my drink back from her. "We can hang out, sure. I'll ask Kolbie if he wants to come too."

"Yeah, okay. I have to get to class, but I'll meet you at the cafe for lunch? We can go to Panera or something."

"Not today, actually. I made plans to go with Ilana for lunch." I was taking Kolbie's advice and putting myself first when it came to Melanie. If it was a few weeks ago, I would've dropped my plans with any pretty girl to spend time with Melanie, but seeing how she can just shut me out so easily without a second thought, definitely shed some light on a few things.

Sex DriveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora