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[ "I don't think Elaina has a cock..." ]


"Well, I don't think you should go." Melanie spoke as she leaned over to reach between mine and Kolbie's bodies for the bowl of chips.

The three of us were cooped up in Kolbie's room, taking turns playing COD on his PS4. Kolbie and I sat on the floor in front of the bed facing the TV, both with controllers in our hands as Melanie laid on her back on the bed, her head dangling over the edge.

I turned my attention from the screen over to her, giving her a look of pure confusion; "Wasn't it you who said that I needed to put myself out there more with girls?" As I spoke, I slowly brought my attention back to the game.

"No, I think that was me." Kolbie interjected, frantically pressing buttons on his controller, his lower lip sliding between his teeth.

"I actually said that to him a few times too." Melanie laughed, reaching forward to grab some more chips. "But when I said that, I didn't mean to go run around with Elaina Tori. I meant to find a good sweet girl that would make you happy." Sometimes it annoyed me how much they treated me like a little kid.

I was older than the both of them.

"And how does going to her party mean that I'm going to be running around with her?" I questioned with a raise of my eyebrows, handing the controller up to her.

"What? You really think that she invited you out tomorrow because she was grateful for her cheeseburger and fries? No. She wants to fuck you, for reasons I'm not quite sure of yet–" Kolbie cut her short.

"My man over there is pretty fuckable, Melanie." He turned his head to look back at her than over at me before looking back at the screen. "Can someone start the game? I can't kick your butts while it's paused." He groaned, his hands going up to fix the glasses on his face.

"Fine, whatever, I just don't think it's a good idea." She earned another glare from Kolbie before she quickly started the game back up again.

"Would you quit cock blocking him?" Kolbie groaned, stopping his assault on his controller to look Melanie in the face.

"I don't think Elaina has a cock..." I mumbled, scratching at my scalp. This conversation was taking an awkward turn and I kinda just wanted to play videogames.

"Twat blocking," He corrected himself, before continuing; "You always seem to be around when he's about to get laid and weird enough, in that moment you need something from him." Melanie scoffed at his words, sitting up on the bed.

"That is not true." She stated, pausing the game again and crossing her arms over her chest. She was sitting so that her legs were dangling off of the side of the bed instead of her head. She had a glare on her face as she stared at Kolbie, challenging him with the look on her face.

"That is so true. You remember homecoming last year, D?" He reached over to hit his fingers against my shoulder. "I set us up with those two girls; Amber and Taylor. When Amber suggested you took her back to your place and you were about to leave, Melanie got a bellyache and begged you to drive her home and you did!" I honestly didn't see what was wrong with that. I barely knew Amber and Melanie needed me in that moment.

"Shut up, Kolbie. Let's just play this game." She started it up again and he went back to slamming his thumbs against the buttons of his controller. I sat back against the bed, my eyes staring blankly at the screen in front of me.

I was too busy weighing out the possibilities of tomorrow to think about this game right now.

After a few more hours of talking and messing around we went to sleep. When I woke back up, Melanie was gone and Kolbie was seated at his desk in front of the computer. I sat up on my makeshift bed, running my fingers through my hair a few times.

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