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[ "What the fuck are you two doing!?" ]


I stood in my Five Guys uniform, restocking cups while Kolbie filled a bag beside me. He handed it over the counter to the waiting customer, a smile on his face. He went on to ask him if he wanted any condiments with his order, handing out a handful of whatever the guy wanted.

Kolbie had been in a weirdly good mood all day. He didn't even complain with Andy decided to take a thirty-minute five-minute break. He just assumed the position of manager while he was gone. It confused me as hell because Kolbie hated being in charge for long periods of time.

"Elaina invited me over her house. Her parents are out for the week and she wants to fool around." I brought up the subject that I had been avoiding since I punched in. It was easy to keep things from him during school because I hardly saw him – it was much harder while we were working side by side.

"Oh for real?" He rose a bushy brow, licking his lips quickly. "Are you going to go?" I shrugged my shoulders at his words.

"I mean, I might. I have this thing going on with Melanie now and I don't want to fuck it up."

"Oh right, you copped a feel on your dream girl." He grinned wide up at me, before ducking his head down to refill the buckets that held our condiments. My cheeks darkened at his words, yeah that's what happened, but did he have the be so vulgar about it?

"If you go, it's a good time. If you don't, no big deal. I'm just surprised she hasn't gotten bored of you yet." His harsh honesty annoyed me, but I kept my cool.

"Well, my little sister is fucking the guy that's supposed to be her boyfriend." The annoyance leaked through my words and I could've sworn I saw Kolbie tense beside me. I chose to ignore it, running my fingers through my hair quickly.

I had been thinking a lot about going to Elaina's house tonight, just to see what's up. I mean, I knew what she wanted to do and I wanted to. I knew I should be waiting for Melanie to figure herself out because that's who I really wanted to be with, but what Elaina brought to the table was too good to pass up.

Maybe I'd just go stay a few hours and if it didn't feel right, I'd excuse myself. That sounded like a good enough idea to me.

"How are you and Sara?" I asked because we've been spending so much time talking about me the past week, I haven't even asked him about his new relationship.

"We're alright, you know how easily I get bored." He spoke without looking up at me, extremely interested in the stain that was on the counter.

A ding sounded as the front door was pushed open, I looked up to see my baby sister walking in with a group of her friends. She had changed from what she was wearing this morning, sporting a pair of black leggings and an old hoodie that I had never seen before – it was too big to be hers though.

Andie shot a smile up at me and I was a little relieved to see it, she must be over me punching her boyfriend in the face.

"What can I get for you, baby doll?" Kolbie shamelessly flirted with her and I rolled my eyes. Andie blushed like she always did when Kolbie said something like that too her, her eyes scanning the menu that was overhead. She was pulling some type of thinking face that was supposed to be cute. It annoyed me how she tired so hard, I brought food home for her all the time, she knew exactly what she wanted.

"What would you recommend?" Her much taller, black haired friend chimed in. Her bright green eyes scanned over the features of Kolbie's face and I ushered myself to the back.

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