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Kolbie jumped up quickly, his eyes going wide as he scrambled to get his jeans secured at his hips once again. Andie just laid there with her arms wrapped around her bare chest, looking everywhere but at me. The anger bubbled at the pit of my stomach and I wasn't sure who I should start yelling at.

"What the fuck...?" Was all I could get out. I was at a loss for words.

Kolbie tossed his shirt in my sister's direction before looking up at me. "Drew, it's not what you think." His shaky hands ran through his hair.

I didn't know what to think. My best friend had been fucking my little sister behind my back for God knows how long. All I felt was anger. I wanted to punch him. Why would he do that? I've complained so many times to him about how promiscuous Andie had become and he was just feeding into it. What the fuck.

"How long have you guys been fucking behind my back?" I tried not to be so vulgar about it, this was still my little sister here. I was just so pissed that my filter was turned off.

"We're not just fucking, Drew. I really like him." Andie spoke up for the first time and I just stared at her. Ignoring the dopey smile that broke onto Kolbie's face the second she spoke about liking him.

"I really like her too. We just didn't know how to tell you..."

"Oh, this way was great."

"Maybe I should go..." Amya spoke from behind me. I had totally forgotten she was here with me. I shook my head down at her, glancing back at the new couple.

"I'll come with, these two obviously have some things to finish."

Without another word, I was pulling her out of the house and back into my car. We drove for a little while in silence. I was so mad. I didn't want them together, I couldn't understand why but I didn't want it. This was going to change everything.

I knew I was being selfish too, I knew I should be happy that my best friend and my sister were happy together, but I couldn't bring myself to feeling that. Oh and what about Elijah, did he know about this? Was he in on it too, silently laughing each time he kissed my sister in front of me. I am so annoyed.

"Drew, calm down." Amya's hand landed on my shoulder, snatching me from my thoughts. "You've run two stops signs. Maybe you should pull over." I looked down at her face a sigh leaving my lips as I put my directional on, pulling off to the side.

"Sorry," I mumbled, my hands running over my face.

"It's okay. I get it." Did she really? Was her best friend fucking her sister too? "You've seen Friends? There was an episode almost exactly like this. Ross caught Monica and Chandler together and started freaking out. He was all my best friend and my sister ( she spoke in a mock angry tone ) then after they explained and told him that they were in love he was all my best friend and my sister ( her tone was more endearing this time )." I laughed.

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