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[ "Come on, Drew. Don't you want to have some fun?" ]


It was completely unreal to invite Kolbie some place and not invite Melanie too. It was unheard of, if the two of us were going somewhere, she was coming too. That's why when I texted Kolbie to see if he wanted to come to Elaina's getty, I had to text Melanie too. I kinda figured she'd go on about how she had better things to do with her Saturday night and that would be the end of it. I definitely wasn't expecting her to agree to tagging along.

She said that it would be a good idea for her to come along, just in case Elaina tried anything funny. That's what she said to Kolbie, who called me to rant about how she was going to ruin whatever Elaina had planned for the two of us. I tried to explain how I was pretty sure she was with Elijah, but he wasn't having it. He was convinced that she wanted me. It was hard to talk Kolbie out of things when he's convinced.

The two of them showed up at my house a good ten minutes before we had to leave. I glanced at myself once more in the mirror, tugging on the hem of my shirt to pull it a bit further down to cover my bum. I had decided on not over doing it and just wearing a pair of baggy ripped jeans and a white t-shirt. I had my comfortable white Vans on my feet and I even switched my black studs for the diamonds.

Kolbie and I sat on the couch, waiting for Melanie to finish up her makeup so we can leave. She came to my house fully dressed in her figure hugging jeans and loose top, her face free of makeup. She held two pouches in her hand, not even bothering to say hi as she rushed up the stairs and into the bathroom. Kolbie later explained that he had rushed her out of her house before she had time to 'put her face on' as she says.

The sound of her footsteps hitting the floor as she walked caught my attention, I turned my head back to look at her. For whatever reason, that song What's Inside played in my head as she walked. Her hair was neatly curled falling down her shoulders and back. She had done her makeup to look like she wasn't wearing any at all. She really didn't need any at all, she was beautiful.

"Alright, hi." She grinned, making her way over to where Kolbie and I sat. She set her hand down on my shoulder, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to my cheek. I let my fingers graze over her hips and she smiled. "Are you finally ready?" Kolbie huffed, pulling himself from his spot.

Melanie glared over at him, setting her hands on her hips after standing up straight; "Well maybe if you didn't rush me at my house we would've already been left." She scoffed, reaching down on the table to pick up her purse. She slung it over her shoulder before nodding her head towards the door; "Let's go. Shot gun." She walked across the room towards the front door, pushing it open.

I followed closely behind her, pulling my keys out of the front pocket of my jeans. We all piled into my car, driving the short distance to Elaina's house. Melanie had taken it upon herself to plugging her phone in, blasting her favorite songs as we drove.

She'd lean over the middle to sing the lyrics out to me and I'd just laugh. We were in front of Elaina's house soon enough and the car was being turned off.

"Are you ready for this man?" Kolbie leaned forward, patting his hand against my chest a few times. I turned my head back to look at him, rolling my eyes at his words; "Nothing's going to happen, she's with someone." I reminded him for like the eighty thousandth time.

Melanie let out a dry laugh; "Never stopped her before." She grumbled before pushing her door open and making her way towards the front door of her house. Kolbie watched her as she walked, waiting until she was completely out of ear shot before he went on talking to me.

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