Chapter Two: Grave Robber

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  Harry Potter sat up hard in his bed. He was drenched in sweat and breathing hard. He had just had a dream. It was more of a nightmare than anything else.

  Harry didn't dream much anymore. At least not the type of dreams he used to have, so he found it strange when he woke up from one.

  He thought back to the man from the dream. Harry hadn't been able to see his face or the location, for it was almost too dark to see. The only thing that he could make out was the man's and the grave's silhouettes.

  Harry fought hard to remember the spell the man used. He had never heard of those words before. He would have to ask Hermione if she knew of them. Maybe she could find out what they were and what they meant.

  Harry's thoughts were interrupted by a small knock outside his room. Kreacher poked his head through the door, his locket hitting the door frame. " Oh Master is awake already! Should Kreature make Master breakfast?"

  "No, no Kreacher that's alright. I will be joining the Weasley's for breakfast this morning but thank you," Harry said. Kreature nodded and padded out of the room while closing the door behind him. Harry smiled to himself. He had grown rather attached to Kreature over the past year. Kreacher's manners have improved since he was given Regulus's locket and he has become much nicer as well. Unfortunately, Harry was afraid Kreacher wouldn't live much longer, considering how old he was.

  Harry grabbed his glasses off the stand next to his bed and shoved them onto his nose. He grabbed some fresh clothes and headed to the bathroom. After he put them on, Harry attempted to comb his hair, but it was completely useless. Once finished, he looked at himself in the mirror. The lighting scar was the same as ever, expect now it was just a painful reminder of the past.

  He headed the down the stairs of Grimmauld Place. A lot has changed since Harry started to live here. He had replaced the torn and tattered furniture and finally managed to get rid of the heads of the previous house elves even though Kreacher wined and fussed about it. The only things he couldn't do away with were the paintings that were stuck to the wall with magic.

  Harry went to the kitchen to grab today's Daily Prophet and apparated out of his house. He landed outside in the backyard of the Weasley house. He walked in the house and the smell of sausage and eggs hit him full on. "Morning Harry, dear!" Mrs. Weasley called from where she was cooking, "Not everyone is awake yet so have a seat and relax."

  "Morning Mrs. Weasley and as always, thank you for having me over," Harry said

  "It's not a problem, dear. You know we love to have you!" Harry pulled a chair out from under the table and sat down. He took out the Prophet he brought with him and unfolded it. Mrs. Weasley set a cup of pumpkin juice on the table in front of him. Harry smiled up at her but his face fell when he read the headline on the front page of the paper.

"Lily and James Potter's Remains Stolen by a Grave Robber."

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