Chapter Four: Normalcy

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"Morning Harry," said Hermione as she walked in the door, "and happy birthday!" She set a neatly wrapped gift on top of his folded Daily Prophet, but he didn't touch it. "Is something wrong?"

"Hermione, have you have heard of a spell with the words 'suscitare mortuos?'" Harry asked.

"I'm pretty sure that spell doesn't exist, Harry. Why? What made you ask?"

"No reason." Harry didn't want to tell her about the dream he had last night. He knew she would call him crazy. The only reason why he had dreams like that was because of Voldemort and he's gone.

Harry's dream was in a graveyard. Maybe that man from the dream was stealing his parents' remains, but that still doesn't explain the spell he used or what it did. Harry knew one thing, though. If he didn't stop thinking about it, he would definitely go mad.

"Is that Hermione I heard?" Mrs. Weasley said, popping her head around the corner. "Hello dear! Nobody's up yet except for me and Harry, although I thought I heard Arthur out in garage. You know him, he loves to be with his Muggle things," she said, rather exasperated.

After Mrs. Weasley left the room Hermione said, "Are you sure you're okay? You seem a little... off today." Harry didn't say a word, he just slid the paper out from under Hermione's present and passed it to her. He could see the exact moment when she realized what it said.
"Oh, Harry, I'm so sorry!"

He just shrugged it off, "It's probably just some Death Eater's way of getting revenge on me for killing Voldemort. Stealing the bones on the night of my birthday seemed like the best way to get that revenge, I guess." He played off like it didn't matter, but it did. He knew Hermione could see right through his act, but it didn't matter.

He quickly changed the subject. " So, are you going into the Ministry today or will I accidentally run into you again?" He asked. He knew Hermione got an internship or some kind of a job there because he ran into to her the other day. She had never told him that she was working there.

"I was going to tell you, I promise! I just wanted it to be a surprise. I was going to tell you this morning at breakfast with the rest of Weasleys, in fact." Hermione said

"Does Ron know yet or did you already tell him?"

"Do I know what yet?" Ron questioned. He came down the the stairs rather noisily. He was dressed for work like the rest of them. Although, he was dressed for a very different kind of work.

  Earlier that month, Ron has dropped his Auror training to help George with his joke shop, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Harry was glad that Ron wanted to help George, especially since he's had a tough time after Fred died, but Harry couldn't help feeling sad that he wasn't going to see him at the Ministry on a daily basis anymore.

  "Well, since it's not much of a surprise any-"

  "Harry, mate, I'm so sorry," Ron said, cutting Hermione off. Harry didn't need to know that Ron was looking at the paper. He didn't look at Ron, but instead at Hermione. She didn't look too mad that she was cut off, when normally she'd be seething.

  "It's no worries, Ron, really it's fine." He didn't want sympathy. He was tried of it.

  Ron surveyed Harry's clothes. "Why are you wearing fancier clothes than normal? Are you going into the Ministry today? Mate, you shouldn't have to work on you birthday!"

  "I'm not exactly working today. My training is almost over, and I have to pass this huge test before I can become and Auror. The Auror that I've been shadowing for the past few months thinks I need to work more on my potion making skills, so I'm going in for a few hours," Harry said. It wasn't his ideal birthday, but he was willing to give up a few hours of the day if that's what it takes to pass the exam. He's worked too hard to fail now.

  "You're Harry Potter," Ron said jokingly, "You could ask for the job and they'd serve to you on a silver platter"

  "If I'm going to get the job, it's because I did it on my own, not because of my fame." Harry explained.

  "Harry, I'm so proud of you for working hard instead of taking the easy way!" Hermione said

  Harry smiled. It was nice to sit and talk to Ron and Hermione for a little bit. It was like they were back at the Gryffindor common room. Harry missed those days, but certainly didn't miss the craziness of it all. His life was just starting to have some normalcy to it.

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