Chapter Three: The Cold Hard Truth

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Lily and James Potter couldn't remember a single thing. They had woken up in the middle of the graveyard and had no idea how they got there or why they were so dirty.

James had suggested that maybe they got drunk the previous night before. Lily didn't like that suggestion and slapped him hard on his upper arm."This is no time for jokes James!" Lily exclaimed.

James rubbed his arm. Did she have to hit him so hard? Well, maybe he did deserve it just a little bit. Lily was right, it was as simple as that. He shouldn't joke like that, especially when the possibility that little Harry could be home alone loomed over their heads.

Lily and James exited the graveyard and started down the street. Exited, however, was too kind of a word. They stumbled and tripped their way out. It was almost like their legs were tied to weights. It was like watching a little new born horse trying to walk for the first time.

Once they got used to their legs, walking became an easier task and they soon were able to recognize where they were. The realization hit James like a ton of bricks. "James," Lily half whispered, "We're still in Godric's Hollow."

  The sun was just beginning to rise and the people of the town were starting to stir. There were a few of them already out on the streets, probably making their ways to work. A women had just stepped out of her little shop to turn the sign on the door from closed to open. Lily rushed over to the lady. "Lily, what are you doing? Just wait a moment," but she had already reached the women before James could stop her.
  "Excuse me, miss!" Lily called out, "Would you mind telling me the time and date?"

  "Oh yes, of course," the women said as she looked at the watch on her wrist, "It is 7 A.M., July 31st." It was Harry's birthday. How could they have been passed out for nine months?

  "And the year? Do you think you could tell us the year, miss?"

  The lady looked skeptically at the two of them, like she couldn't believe someone didn't know the year. Her face then lit up with realization. "Ah I see," the women said, "You two must have had a fun night out on the town last night!" She had suggested the very thing James had said a few moments earlier. Lily crinkled her nose at what the lady said. "It's the year 1999. Now you two should probably go home and have some shut eye." Lily just stood there wide eyed. James had to take her hand and pull her down the street.

  "No," Lily whispered. "No this can't be right. This can't be right at all!" Lily was half shouting now and drawing attention from a passerby. "She has to be messing with us!"

  "Lily, please calm down. We can figure this out when we get home, okay?" She nodded, so James pulled her down the street where they lived.

When they got down the street and approached their house, Lily let out a moan of despair. Their house was completely destroyed. All that was left was rubble. As they got closer to the house, they could see a sign standing near the gateway. James read it aloud for Lily to hear

  "On this spot, on the night of 31 October 1981, Lily and James Potter lost their lives. Their son, Harry, remains the only wizard ever to have survived the Killing Curse. This house, invisible to Muggles, has been left in its ruined state as a monument to the Potters and as a reminder of the violence that tore apart their family." (Expert taken from  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, chapter seventeen, pages 332-333)

  "Merlin's beard," James whispered once he was finished reading. Lily was now in a state of hysteria.

  "This can't be true! This can't be right!" She kept repeating over and over again.

  "Oh but it is," a familiar voice had said sadly. They turned around and their eyes meet Minerva McGonagall's. "I think you better come with me."


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