Chapter Eleven: The Exam

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   "Lumos," Harry whispered into the darkness. It was a mistake. Jets of color flew quickly through the air, aimed right at his chest. He hit the floor and rolled to side to avoid the spells.
"Nox," he said and the light at the end of his wand put itself out.

   This is wasn't what he was expecting. Harry assumed that the exam would be conducted the same way as the O.W.L.s at Hogwarts were. They had given the students a written test and then a performance one. He certainly didn't remember having spells fired at him, even during the performance exam.

  Harry took in a quick breath and listened. All was still and quiet. It was too dark to see and he couldn't light his wand without it being a beacon that screamed, "I'm over here! Come and get me!" He felt like sitting duck, waiting to be attacked.

   Think, Harry, think! He didn't know what to do. What he did know, however,was that room was large. He caught a glimpse of it when he lit his wand. He also saw at least five people waiting in there for him.

   Then, all of a sudden, Harry thought of something.

   "Homenum Revelio," he whispered. Thanks to the spell, Harry knew where each of them were. There were nine people in total, all of them skilled Aurors. He was completely and utterly outmatched.

Calista's voice from a long ago lesson echoed in his ears. "If you find yourself surrounded, don't bother with getting fancy with your spells. Use quick and effective ones. Make sure you get to the point."

Harry aimed his wand at the nearest person and said, "Stupefy!" As soon his spell hit the Auror, more came in his direction. "Finite Incantatum!" He called out, stopping the spell and curses flying in his direction.

  It had been difficult, but before Harry knew it, he had stunned three more Aurors, disarmed two of them, and had the other two in a body bind. He had gotten all nine of them.

   A dim light filled the room as a door was opened at the opposite end. A lit wand was bobbing its way toward him and Harry got in a defensive stance.

   "Oh, relax!" It was Calista. Harry could practically hear her eye roll from where he stood. As she approached him, she said, "Sorry for the ambush. Sometimes when you are out on the job, little surprises like this happen."

   "You're  not sorry at all, are you?" Harry asked.

   "Not one bit." She smiled at him and continued, "You are now one fourth of the way through. Up next is the potions portion, then concealment and disguise, and last but not least, stealth and tracking. Are you ready?"

   "As ready as I'll ever be, I guess," Harry said.

   Calista clapped him on the back and exclaimed, "That's the spirit, Potter!"
   The rest of the day went by in a blur. He made it through the rest of exams with few mistakes. He was near perfect on each portion, but Harry was worried that it wasn't enough. He knew if Hermione had taken the exam, she would pass it with flying colors.

   Calista, along with two other Aurors, examined him carefully from over his shoulder during each section. They watched his every move with their hawklike eyes and jotted down everything that he did with a quill.

   Harry had found it quite annoying. He didn't like them fluttering around him. Every time one of them wrote something down, he felt like he had done something wrong, though he knew he hadn't.

  Now, he sat anxiously in the last exam room. Three Aurors told him to wait there while went over their notes and discussed his performance.  They took so long, he started to wonder if he really made a bunch of mistakes.

   While he waited, Harry's thoughts drifted back to his parents. The same questions he'd been asking for the past few days swirled around in his head.

   McGonagall had reported to the Ministry about his parents. They had been asked the same questions Harry asked them, but they still gave the same answers. Now there were possibly Remus and Tonks wandering around, not knowing how they got where they were.

   How is this possible? It shouldn't be, but yet it was.

  Harry was jerked from his thoughts when the door opened. Calista swaggered through the frame with grin. "Congrats, Potter, you are officially a licensed Auror!" Harry couldn't contain his grin. "Don't be too happy yet.
You'll still be shadowing me for a few more months, but you are allowed to take on bigger tasks now. We'll have your license for you in the morning along with your own desk in the department. I'll also go over all the rules with you tomorrow. Now, go home and get some sleep. We have a job to do in the morning,"

  Harry tried stammering out his gratitude but Calista wouldn't take it. "Don't thank me, it was all you. Now go! I don't want to hear it!"

  When Harry made it back to Grimmauld Place, he found his parents waiting for him, along with Ron, Hermione, and Ginny.

  "Well, mate, how'd you do?" Ron asked. They all peered up at him anxiously. Harry's answering toothy grin was confirmation enough.
  "Congratulations, Harry!" Ginny said and kissed him. He felt his face go red, knowing that his parents were watching. Hermione hugged him. Ron patted his back, though he glared Harry do kissing his sister. James took his hand and shook it.

   Lily hugged him and said, "We're proud of you, Harry!"

   When she let go, James said, "Let's go to the Three Broom Sticks. It's time to celebrate! Butterbeers are on me!"

   Harry was too happy to ask where James got the money from.

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