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"GET them!" Prince Darius roared at the soldiers

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"GET them!" Prince Darius roared at the soldiers.

Katara squeezed Kelpie's sides and encourage her, she reared up kicking her powerful front legs widely. The approaching soldiers back away in startles and in moments Kelpie and Katara galloped up with the others. As they galloped endlessly into the beyond the fortress and it's walls, soldiers were somewhere behind them. Katara wouldn't dare look back, it would just bring more tears to explode on her cheeks.

She just had to worry about getting as far way from the enemy and finding a safe place to care for Jasper's wound. Katara clung to Kelpie and the reins tight, it was so difficult without a saddle and just thinking about riding without a saddle for who knows how long strained her annoyance more.


After guessing was a couple of hours, the sun already started peaking over the endless golden savannah before them; sending the yellow shining sun started rising from the ground. It filled the sky with mighty colours of red and splashed the clouds with endless rays of pink. It was bright and mesmerising as it inviting Katara to stare, deep into the horizon. It did help taking her mind off what happened hours ago, but still it all lingered in the corner of her mind, like a burring storm.

The Horses and their click of hooves mixed with the steady light breeze. All four of them sat atop their horses, Jasper clutched her wrapped up wound as Kale had drawn his woolly jacket over Jasper's shoulders to keep out the fresh morning air. They moved slowly, the horses precariously picking there way through the dense savannah grass on the wild ground that meandered it way through what the naked eye could see.

Katara sighed heavily, the smudged ashes on her, felt dry and dirty on her skin. Her belt felt heavy, as she shivered. The few trees insight, waved in the breeze, and the fallen leaves swirled in the wind, making the breeze howl every once in a while.

Kelpie plodded along beside Sagittarius, weary from walking all night. Both Katara and Kelpie were tired and hungry, but they had no time to stop. They all had just come from a gruelling battle, and they were just one of the few who survived and escaped.

The soldiers and probably one of the Bloodhounds were surely tracking them, and would unquestionably kill them or worse. Enslave them; that is if they capture them. If they could make it to one of the many free cities, they might have a chance to hide.

"Will stop under the tree, just so we can stretch and rest for awhile." Everyone agreed with Rusty right away as they came to a stop at the lonely tree. Dismounting Kelpie, Katara rushed to Jasper's aid. Carefully she help her slide off Sagittarius. Jasper smiled weakly in thanks as Katara sat her down under the tree's shady leaves. She over looked the savannah as she stretched her arms with a exhausted yawn. Slumping down next to Jasper she notice her hands play with some odd amulet. It was a circular golden piece with something written in relaehrian around a turquoise stone in the centre.

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