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DARIUS Hartdell, the crowned prince of Relaehria stood in the grand training hall, with his sword poised for any attempted attacks from his brothers

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DARIUS Hartdell, the crowned prince of Relaehria stood in the grand training hall, with his sword poised for any attempted attacks from his brothers.

Darius's younger brothers; Rhaelor and Sirus stepped onto the training mat with their daggers and bardiche.

"Maybe today I'll finally conquer you both." Sirus teased as Rhaelor grinned - not saying a word.

Darius huffed air as he narrowed his eyes onto his brothers.

He swung his mighty sword when it clashed with Sirus's bardiche with a loud sting of steel against steel. He knew how his brothers fought in combat. Rhaelor would linger around his opponents- trying to find any weaknesses. As for Sirus he would attack straight on, striking hard.

Darius drew himself a good boundary between him and the bardiche's reach as he tried to focus on his brothers who circled him hungry for the victory Darius claimed during training a day ago. Darius watched with carefully treaded steps as Sirus struck again.

The bardiche was swift as it attempted to strike Darius's side but was blocked by his sword. Any longer of blocking the bardiche, and Darius would weaken. He knew if he could not push the bardiche away from him, he would have to find another way.

With agile movements, Darius ducked under the Bardiche, just missing its enormous sharpened blade.

But he had no time to recover as Rhaelor had one of his daggers coming straight for his chest. Darius felt his heart quicken but he growled as he used his empty left hand to grab Rhaelor's wrist.

Darius watched as Rhaelor's face itched with strength to push the dagger down. He thought he saw that this was his Rhealor's plan but he was foolish for believing it.

Suddenly quick as a shadow, his cunning brother had his second dagger skim across Darius's leg. Darius hissed as the cut was light but deep enough to sting. Rhealor smirked at him but quickly vanished after Sirus. He was swinging his sword at Rhealor who was weaving in and out of the bardiche and the sword. Once more Rhealor slipped away again as his sword sung with the bardiche together.

Rhealor was prowling once more as Darius and Sirus inflicted all their strength into holding each other off. Suddenly with a idea, he used his boot to seize Sirus away. His brother fumbled a few steps, but kept the bardiche light and twirling in his hands.

Darius was growing tired with toying with one another. He positioned his sword angled from him as used its reflection to watch Rhealor from behind.

With his wound, he seized up as he staggered, watching his brothers battle it out.

Sirus was thrashing the bardiche with strong swings at Rhealor but missed every blow. He moved like a viper as his feet moved like lightning across the ocean in a storm.

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