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THE next day Katara awoke to a little person and a taller figure standing by the foot of the bed.

The smaller figure's eyes reading her, like a book. Frightened, Katara jump back with a empty bowl ready. Her heart was roaring like nothing else in her ears, until she focused herself , she realised it was only Aries and Tetisheri. Must of summoned her, she thought. "Get up, little girl." Aries plainly sighed.

Katara's grip on the bowl, loosened as she placed it down. Looking out to the sky, it was still dark out. Barely any morning light had begun flickering. "It's too early to get up. And who are you to call me little? Dwarf." She stifle a yawn.
Aries flickers his hand towards the view of the arena. "Yes, it may, but training begins early before the fighting pits open for a new day and crowd." He completely ignored her other comment. A groan escaped while she stiffening her limbs. She began to climbed out of bed towards the dressing divider. "Make sure to dress her in something not too frilly." Aries muffled voice ordered Tetisheri, as she nodded a reply, "as you wish, sir." With Tetisheri shuffling to Katara's aid for clothes, she began fitting her. Minutes later she emerged from behind the divider in plain black pants and a simple tunic, with boots. As well she had asked Tetisheri to braid her hair like like the day before, like what her sister used to do for her.

Katara was begging to let her past leave me. Everything reminded her of it, even her own name. But it was a new day, to start her new life. "Follow me." Aries signalled Katara to follow, and did so as she thanked Tetisheri.
Tetisheri shut the door for her and Aries, as he lead her through the halls. Their footsteps echoed sharply around the deserted halls, sounding overly loud in her own ears, like the booming heartbeat of a condemned prisoner.

"So are you, going to train me?" Katara mumbled, from the awkward silence that engulfed them. He looked up at her dully, as if she was the most brainless thing he'd met. "Yes. I will be advising you and training you."

"How did you, come to own all of this?" She questioned, trying to start a conversation. Aries stiffened, as he continued walking. His little hands clenching till his knuckles were white. "Such a curious girl aren't you?"
"Is that a inferior quality to have?" She took his words as a harsh comment. Did he just despise her? Did she bore him? "Curiosity will get you mutilated with some people who linger around in the arena. I would watch your tongue if I was you."

"Why do state I keep my mouth shut?" She mock at his comment. "This place," he said in a whisper for only her to hear. "Will kill you. Your in the great game now, and the great game is terrifying."
A game of what? Power? Revenge? Jealousy? Love? Aries was on to something, that could be true or not. Maybe in time Katara would understand him. But she had nothing to loose. She had lost everything to a man, and now she was going to return the favour.

From the halls, they descended to the arena tunnel and out into the enormous sand arena. Freshly raked sand crunch beneath Katara's boots. The setting darkness illuminated the ghostly arena. She gasped in awe at how clean it truely was, when no bodies piled in it. Aries suddenly clapped his hands. The sound echoed off everything. Then from whence they came, a male guard came marching out, with two wooden staffs. He was immense. Like a unstoppable rolling bolder.

Katara had to look up as he approached in front of her. Quickly, she gulped down the lump that struck her throat. If Aries was going to make her spare with this enormous guard, she was going to feel the bruises before he even hit her. The guard grunted at her, when he snapped his arm out for her to take the staff.
Katara went to grab it, but he purposely dropped it onto the sand, before her feet.

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