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DESTINED for greatness?

It was absurd, as Katara's mind was bustling with so many questions like a busy market square, that caused her to shake her head in disbelief. Letting Kelpie go by the reins, Kelpie dropped to the ground in rest as she sat down, across the fire from Alyara, like a child waiting for a bed time story.

"What do you mean by I'm destined?" Katara titled her head as she inquisitively watched Alyara grind up different herbs in a stone bowl. She stayed silent as she focused her good eye on her mixture of herbs.

She sat quiet and restless, tapping her finger impatiently on her leg. She wouldn't be shocked if Alyara was deaf in some kind.

Before Katara even let out a gasp of air, Alyara interrupted her. "Here." She finally spoke up as she passed the bowl of herbs to her. "Thanks, but what is it?" Katara looked down at it. It had a strong sour aroma that burned her nostrils like wild fire. "You must eat."

"Good for your strength and wound." She croaked as she motioned her boney fingers towards her bandaged arm.

Katara didn't care what it was good for, she was so hungry. Like beast she understood why they hunger for anything for meal. Her stomach was tugging left and right as it screamed to be fed. Alyara grinned ear to ear as she watched Katara take a hand full of the herbs into her mouth.

A burst of sour herbs erupted on her palate, like eating raw lemons but with every chew it became sweeter like fresh honey. It was luscious! Katara felt her own grubby hands dig into the bowl for more but she had already devoured the whole lot! "So, continuing on from before... what did you mean I'm destined?" Sh said gulping down her last bit of herbs.

Alyara looked her dead in her wide eyes with that beady blind eye and a scrawny crazed grin trying not to break out into a fit of laughter. Her blind eye seemed to actually see as it twitched looking Katara in the eyes, like waiting for then to magically change colour. "For many moons I call for strong spirit... elephant, rhino, lion..." Gently she grab the palm of Katara's hand and pointed her gawky index finger down on the centre of her hand.

"Then you came!" She busted out in a cry of amusement as it echoed off the cave walls, causing Katara to flinch and pull back her hand. She laughed quietly to herself like a child as Katara scowled at her deranged persona. Alyara pulled the small animal skull from her hanging hip and casted spices, red berries of some kind other unique herbs into some liquid.

"What- what is that?" She asked as she scooted closer to Alyara to see was she was up to making now. And from out of the ordinary Alyara hissed at Katara when she tried to dip her finger in Alyara's mixture.

So quietly Katara sat wondrously of what she was making. "Hand." Alyara said as she held out her hand for her to place her hand in. Holding her hand closer to her chest caused Alyara to hiss at Katara again. "Give hand!" Like a viper, Alyara plucked Katara's hand in front of her and did the most unexpected thing.

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